A Conversation for How to Drink in Utah

Cullman County, Alabama, USA

Post 1


I gotca' beat. Where I grew up, alcohol was strictly illegal. Private clubs were all we had(2, for a 40,000 population). Anyone caught with any form of alcohol paid a $500 fine and a night in jail.

Of course the law is patently ignored, and the local police only harass those they are in the mood to mess with on any given evening.

This in a area established by Germans!smiley - smiley

Who'd a thunk!LOL!


Cullman County, Alabama, USA

Post 2

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Well I do know that all over the south there are "dry" and "wet" counties. But I do not know of many places that you are allowed to drink at all but do not have the right to make your own chouices concerning them... Just me tho..

Cullman County, Alabama, USA

Post 3


This is true.....while alcohol is not leagal in Cullman County, the place is bordered on 3 sides by "wet" counties......making it one of the "wettest" "dry" counties in the state!LOL

Selection is not an issue...drive time is!smiley - winkeye


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