The Masters of the Multi-Verse

44 Conversations

MotMV MotMV 
Masters of the Multi-VerseMasters of the Multi-Verse
smiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomato
\/News\/Information\/HQ Map\/Theory of Domination\/Members\/Tomato Warfare\/



| Our 142nd member has now Joined!!!!! WHOOT!!!!| CURRENT AFFAIRS: Supermoo makes a return, he is still as mad as a mad moo cow on mad moo cow berries.|NEW MEMBER: Please welcome the MotMV's newest member, Daizzy .|POINTLESSNESS: Nicky has today been voted the person most likely to be pointless today .|TEAROOM: *wah* it's not here anymore but in Jacks mansion!!!!|


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Move Update!

This is the MotMVs' new HQ. The Old HQ can be found here.

The History of the MotMV

For any new members who want to know about the history of the MotMV, then you can find out here.

Allies of the MotMV

This list became so big I had to give it its own page. To see a complete list of the MotMVs allies then go to this page.

The MotMV Galactic Map

This is a map of the Galaxy as the MotMV knows it. Not particularly useful, but it does look pretty.

The Pirate Ship

The MotMV has launched a Pirate ship under the command of Fish's Freak.

The Badge

Masters of the Multi-VerseMasters of the Multi-Verse
smiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomato

This badge was donated to the MotMV by SuperMoo. The MotMV council has granted its permission for use on members personal spaces. The badges code can be found below.

Strength=15,Color=#CC6600 )" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><TR><TD><FONT COLOR="FFFFFF">MotMV</FONT></TD><TD STYLE="FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage( Rotation=0,Mirror=1,Invert=0,XRay=0,Grayscale=0,Opacity=1.00)"><FONT COLOR="FFFFFF">MotMV</FONT></TD></TR><TR><TD><MARQUEE><FONT COLOR="FFFFFF">Masters of the Multi-Verse</FONT></MARQUEE></TD><TD STYLE="FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage( Rotation=0,Mirror=1,Invert=0,XRay=0,Grayscale=0,Opacity=1.00)"><MARQUEE><FONT COLOR="FFFFFF">Masters of the Multi-Verse</FONT></MARQUEE></TD></TR><TR><TD><LINK H2G2="A2334007"><SMILEY TYPE="tomato"/><SMILEY TYPE="tomato"/><SMILEY TYPE="tomato"/></LINK></TD><TD STYLE="FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage( Rotation=0,Mirror=1,Invert=0,XRay=0,Grayscale=0,Opacity=1.00)"><LINK H2G2="A2334007"><SMILEY TYPE="tomato"/><SMILEY TYPE="tomato"/><SMILEY TYPE="tomato"/></LINK></TD></TR></TABLE>


Medals have been designed for MotMV members to use on their PS's. You can find them here.

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MotMV Mansion

Jack made a mansion for himself from MotMV funds. Feel free to egg and TP it. You can find it here.

HQ Map

Since we were having trouble finding our way around the base, Cal made this map to help:

This is you

Since this map is useless if you are planning a trip that takes you over a metre from your position, you can just use the links provided below.

The MotMV HQ

||[ So are you for us or against us!?
]|[ The room of General Plotting
]|[ Jacks Office
]|[ Ben's Office
]|[ Cal's Office of Style
]|[ Haikeeba's Lounge
]|[ The MotMV Library
]|[ The MotMV Laboratory
]|[ The MotMV Newsroom
]|[ The Brig
]|[ The Cellar
]|[ The Air-Vent
]|[ The car park
]|[ The MotMV sewage pipe complex
]|[ The Renegades Room

]|[ The New New MotMV Tearoom
]|[ The Jack Presidential Campaign HQ

Other MotMV Pages

||[ The Old MotMV HQ
]|[ The MotMV Pirate Ship
]|[ The History of the MotMV
]|[ Allies of the MotMV
]|[ The MotMV Galactic Map
]|[ The MotMV Medals of Honour
]|[ The MotMV Voyager's Theme Song

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Theory of Multi-versal Domination

The Theory of Multi-versal Domination has been attempted by many, by the Vogons, Krikkit (Who we are now in league with). The theory goes thus: - Raise a great army of power, gather powerful allies, destroy everyone who stands in your way taking the multi-verse system by system, forming a huge empire planet by planet.

smiley - earthsmiley - rocket
smiley - marssmiley - rocket
smiley - moonsmiley - rocket
smiley - crescentmoonsmiley - rocket
smiley - planetsmiley - rocket
smiley - starsmiley - rocket
smiley - tomatosmiley - rainbow


Did anyone see the original Batman movie from the seventies? It's great, I recomend that you all watch it.

Main Plan

Take over Multi-verse

Domination plan1:- Deploy Minkie Army

Domination plan2:- Laugh Manically

We're working on 3

smiley - tomatosmiley - alienfrown

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Allies and Armies Thus Far

Masters of the Multi-verse was created by:

SpAcEcAdEt_1st_ClAsS Founder-and-Supreme-Commander-in-Chief

The Sludge bomb Mark 2 creator and controller of the 6 Zogett planets and soon to be ruler of Betelguese 5!

Also a muse of perpetual rains of bedsteads and annoying sarcasm.

Haikeeba! Co-Founder-and-Guy-What's-not-quite-Supreme-Commander-in-Chief

Ruler of the left nostril of the Horse-Head Nebulae (As of last Thursday)

Chief of weapons development currently working on Raspberry missle repellant and Jelly-Filled Splatter Bombs!

Keeper of the Colander of DOOM!

NuclearConfusion Grand Admiral of Special Forces

Overlord of the Crab Pulsar (NGC 1952, or M1 for all you Messier fans out there!)

Leader of the Fanatical Death Chickens of the Crab Nebula, elite special forces by anyone's reckoning.

smiley - tomatosmiley - run


MEMBERS OF THE MASTRS OF THE MULTI-VERSE1. SpAcEcAdEt_1st_ClAsS2. Haikeeba!3. NuclearConfusion4. Reefgirl5. AK6. GodBen7. Almighty Bob8. Alphabet Soup9. Cinnamon Spider10. Wøñkø †hë {Îñ}§åñë11. FootBacon12. Fish's Freak13. Dr Anthea14. Logicus Tracticus Philosoficus15. mAd_CaDeT_fIsH (aka charlie if ya like)16. The fluffy sardine17. T.B. Falsename18. Lady Pennywhistle19. Wood Elf20. Bread Sandwich21. Uncle Bob22. Yuvi23. Melody24. Z.Z - Zub/ZubZubZing25. Admiral Articuno26. Overmind27. Luthiena28. Khamsin29. Brendan30. Shagrath31. dustyroads32. lil old me33. Trin Tragula34. Flamestrike35. Shadowman425136. I'm Better Than You Man37. Mooing Platypus38. Vicki Virago39. Estelendur40. Commander SuperMoo41. Alchendron42. Cat-Eyes43. Cal Fortuneswell44. Hussassan45. Existential Elevator46. FeebleWizard47. mangodesk48. Mizzpinky49. Flying-Ninja-Mouse50. Rob51. Wolfpit52. Dax Fortuneswell53. Laudatortemporisacti54. Iamamadboffin55. hermionicky56. Dale the unimportant57. Most Evil Pumpkin58. CaptainNuge59. MysteriousOneWoS60. Ford-Prerect61. Lucy62. Hassimir63. Evan Halpine-Berger64. Mary65. Starphish66. tasterainbows67. virtuouschuffed68. cloned_madman69. La_Breeze70. Black Leopard71. Captain LeRue72. xanthippi73. Djago74. Eggy75. Padawanbob76. adam fortuneswell77. Excelsior78. themadmaty79. poshharrypotter80. hindsight-20_281. SayHeyJay82. Firenze83. EvilClaw84. PCBabySunribbon85. Granbull86. Narahari Kamath87. lazy-mazie88. batesy0589. Doctor0890. bfwtbt91. cigardener92. AFGNCAAP93. froggy4294. Red Fox95. Superbrit96. Lord Andúril97. MadHank98. Lostblinks99. slightlyfoxed100. Rune_Spirit101. armadilloman102. sabrinafeils103. jimbob104. Kess105. LeviPuma106. Galigan107. smallblueandfurry108. if_your_555_then_im_666109. benjhav110. Elwyn_Centauri111. d586poetpaul112. Johnef01113. frostysean114. dragonqueen115. General Tamaire the walrus116. dmitrigheorgheni117. Goddess PFD118. QuarterOfMary119. eloisa120. Tavaron121. midgetmogget122. Skandranon123. Cosmic Llama124. Thanaris Thamian Meridian125. Lucy126. Doug_the_Cat_Lover127. viking2112128. thornthedruidguy129. EndangeredSpecies130. NavigatorBlack131. Dr. Megabite132. Roymondo133. Edddie134. annacrone135. i_dokov136. Vaxhaul_Astra137. Not Him138. The world is ever changing139. blmg140. Captain Jenny Bonney141. miraculousrandomness 142.Daizzy

Honourary member: Rob The Carpet.

If you wish to join the coalition, enlist now!!!


Armies joining the initial plan:
There's something strange, in the neighborhood. Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!! There's something weird, and it don't look good. Who ya gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS!!
Minkie Army

The Evil Dark Wood Elf & Dark Sprite Army

The Tribe of Triphids

The Armies of Krikkit

Sun Wukongs Monkeys from the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit

Jonesy the One-Eyed Cat smiley - blackcat and his Dust-Mite Invasion Force

Milk-Munitioneers of Dragol7

Fanatical Death Chickens of the Crab Nebula

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Salute to Tomato Warfare!

smiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - sheep2smiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomatosmiley - tomato



smiley - skullsmiley - skullsmiley - skull

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1The News ticker uses the following code. Red: Very important news | Orange: Important news | Yellow: Semi-important news | Green: Not at all important news | Blue: Tearoom gossip2The sheeps name is Percival, in case you were wondering. You can learn more about him here.

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