A Conversation for Shoebox Storage
We managed again :-D
Fizzymouse- no place like home Posted Jun 12, 2007
I thought Wilma didn't fancy the tea because Lil fancied Mary Mallon in the first place..... in a manner of speaking.
Best get this sorted before we have two tea entries .......
For the sake of clarity Wilma, what are you doing.
We managed again :-D
Wilma Neanderthal Posted Jun 12, 2007
Who me?
I'm hoovering and dusting, you?
Best give your entries to the Hogg and Lil, honey mouse - I have a list of entries to do (and it is so neglected it nibbles at me as I walk past
We managed again :-D
Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break Posted Jun 12, 2007
Hey, don't give anything to me...
I have a wife, 2 kids, a job and a backlog to attend to!!
We managed again :-D
Fizzymouse- no place like home Posted Jun 12, 2007
Fair nuff .... when they're on the FP I don't want either of you crying .......... It coulda' bin me.
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We managed again :-D
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