A Conversation for Limericks

best I've heard

Post 1


There once was a man named McSweeney
who spilt some gin on his weeney
not to be uncouth
he added vermouth
and slipped his girl a martini

best I've heard

Post 2

The Black Vegetable

There once was a woman from Sydney
Who liked it right up to the kidney
A man from Quebec
Shoved it up to her neck
He had a big one, didn't he?

best I've heard

Post 3

The Jester (P. S. of Village Idiots, Muse of Comedians, Keeper of Jokes, Chef and Seraph of Bad Jokes) LUG @ A458228

I really like these limericks
Those crazy, rhyming gimericks
They look easy to write
But try some tonight
And you'll find that the last lines are often impossible

3smiley - biggrin

best I've heard

Post 4

Phryne- 'Best Suppurating Actress'

There was a young man from Devizes
Whose (insert comical monosyllabic anatomical feature here*)were of different sizes.
One was so small,
It was no use at all;
But the other was huge and won prizes.
*I use 'ears'.

best I've heard

Post 5

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

There was a young man from Tibet
(and this is the strangest one yet)
Had a member so long
So pointed and strong
He could skewer six yaks en brochette.

More information about yaks can be found
elsewhere on h2g2.


best I've heard

Post 6


My favourite limerick was written by William Schwenk Gilbert (of Gilbert & Sullivan fame) and goes:

There was an old man of St Bees
Who was stung on the nose by a wasp.
When asked, 'Does it hurt?'
He said. 'No, not at all,
But I'm jolly glad it wasn't a hornet.'

best I've heard

Post 7


Very good on the Gilbert limerick.

Have you seen the movie "Topsy Turvey?" It is about G&S. I did not get out to it and I was wondering if it was any good.

best I've heard

Post 8


No I haven't seen "Topsy Turvy" yet, but it sounds good. If you see it first, let me know what you think? (I'll do the same.)

best I've heard

Post 9

philbo baggins

My two favourites:

There was a young lady from Tottenham
Who'd no manners, or else she'd forgotten 'em
At tea at the vicars
She tore off her knickers
Because, she explained, she felt 'ot in 'em

and slightly more couth:
What a marvellous bird is the pelican
His beak can hold more than his belly can
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week
I'll be damned if I know how the hell he can


I like this one...

Post 10

T Tray

Three Dog Night had a great hit you could hum
Girlfriend hated; “momma told me not to come”
She said, “But I want babies!”
I said, “I’d rather have rabies”
So she left me and with George she had some.

And this one...

Post 11

T Tray

There was a young lass from Glamorgan
who, when asked, "did the lad show his organ"
said "I’m not quite sure,
as I’ve never seen one before,
it was more like a flute than an organ"

Or even this one...

Post 12

T Tray

A kinky piano teacher of Dover
Wasn’t ‘happy as pigs in clover’
He should’ve finger the keys
Not between students knees
So now he’s in jail, the lessons over

best I've heard

Post 13


Another version --but one which leans to the opposite quality of physical blessing:

There was a young lady from Sydney
Who could take a prick well past her kidney
My young friend named Pons
Barely reached past her mons
So he failed to satisfy, didn' he??

best I've heard

Post 14

The Jester (P. S. of Village Idiots, Muse of Comedians, Keeper of Jokes, Chef and Seraph of Bad Jokes) LUG @ A458228

I heard it as:

There was a young lady from Sydney
Who could take a prick well past her kidney
A man from Verdun
Put it up to her lung
Boy, he had a long one, didn't he?

3smiley - biggrin

JOTD: Doctors say that those who are cheerful resist disease better than those that are grumpy. I guess that means the surly bird gets the germ.

best I've heard

Post 15

zaphod (1*(18+9+8+7)=42)beeblebricks

there was a young fellow named Keats
who enjoyed sniffing bicycle seats
for those used by men
he had no great yen
but for those used by girls he thought treats...

best I've heard

Post 16


This one's due to either Kingsley Amis or Robert Conquest:

The first man to f*** little Sophie,
Has just won the Krafft-Ebing trophy.
Plus ten thousand quid,
Which for what the chap did,
Is widely considered a low fee.

best I've heard

Post 17

Researcher 127028

Our local cinematic emporium
Was not only a sexual sensorium
But a highly effectual
Mutual masturbatorium

from Archie

best I've heard

Post 18

Researcher 127028

A man who grows hair on his chest
Has seldom the need for a vest
For the hair traps the air
In a thin thermal layer
De didditydiddity est

Come on you poets,put me out of years of misery
and write a witty last line

Another from Archie

best I've heard

Post 19

philbo baggins

A witty last line?

smiley - fish Hic insulatoratum est

(but somebody might be able to understand latin, and realize it's rubbish, so what about):

smiley - fish But medallion gets caught - it's a pest
smiley - fish And the ladies are always impressed
smiley - fish So M&S shares get depressed

smiley - winkeye


best I've heard

Post 20

The Jester (P. S. of Village Idiots, Muse of Comedians, Keeper of Jokes, Chef and Seraph of Bad Jokes) LUG @ A458228

A limerick packs laughs anatomical
Into space that is quite economical
But the good ones I've seen
So seldom are clean
And the clean ones so seldom are comical

3smiley - biggrin

JOTD: Support mental health or I'LL KILL YOU!!!

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