A Conversation for Music

Great Guitarists

Post 1


I would like to hear your recommendations on which guitarists really*
know what they're doing. I don't want to discuss *who* is
The-Greatest-Guitarist-Ever, I just would like to hear, about great
guitarists I might have missed.
There are of course some people everybody knows - Jimi Hendrix, Eric
Clapton, Dave Gilmour, B.B. King, Santana...
But there are lesser known guitarists, too, that know how to play. Just
recently I came across a guy named Paco De Lucia, who plays Flamenco
and thus uses an acoustic guitar. I also came across a live album he
recorded with two other guitarists, Al Di Meola and John McLaughlin.
They all play acoustic guitars and are really good at that.

-- The reason I'm asking is: For the last... two to four years I've
been listening to electronic music primarily (not exclusively), and
now my intereset is fading. I'm looking for something different.
I've been listening to Metal years ago, but I don't like that much
any more.
But I do like Blues and... instrumental stuff.

Great Guitarists

Post 2


The best bass guitar player in the world ever in my opinion is Mark King of Level 42...
I also love hendrix and clapton and B.B. King...mark king is best on bass..and he's a great singer also.

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