A Conversation for The Art of Eating Toast
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Wilma Neanderthal Started conversation Sep 26, 2007
Yo Leo!
You're famous
The identifier post for 'Things on Toast' group on Facebook...
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Leo Posted Sep 30, 2007
Some of the link seems lost there. Though I'm vaguely familiar with Facebook, having signed up all of two days ago.
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Wilma Neanderthal Posted Oct 1, 2007
Eh. Try this:
Mind you the other one works for me (must be biased )
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Leo Posted Oct 2, 2007
There are people who really get serious about their toast?! Or is this some sort of Facebook phenomenon, like the weird clubs we have on h2g2? I haven't got the hang of this facebook business at all. I don't see what there is to keep people busy for hours.
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Wilma Neanderthal Posted Oct 2, 2007
It is a group I heard about on the radio - LBC (London's Biggest Conversation...) has this female called Alison bell who proudly professes not to cook and provides a toast 'recipe' every single day. She's planning on publishing a Toast recipe Book
I got on to Facebook from my octogenarian dad My nephews were bugging him about it and set him up with a profile so he invited me. Now I have all my nephews and nieces, and Trog's nephews and nieces offering me bribes not to let on what goes on
I can't really see the point of it either. there is no opportunity to converse other than by email.
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Leo Posted Oct 2, 2007
Toast recipes? B'gawd. What next. Clearly she's not a candidate to learn the fine art of tabouleh. Question: does this woman have a family? I'd like to see my mother try to switch to a toast only regimen. There would be a strike, picketing, marches on the fridge, demonstrations...
Octegenarian dad? I thought it was originally a college club! Or is he one of those creaky recreational students who come back to "exercise their brains" in retirement?
Let on what goes on? DO tell. <
Now that you mention it: besides the wall and email and poking and throwing sheep (Well, someone threw one at me...) there isn't much communication happening there. A forum - style applet for a profile page would be nice. People could chat in each other's living rooms, so to speak.
I joined because a friend went and had twins and I found out from someone who found out from a mass Facebook email. I caved in, figuring I don't have to use the account, just get important emails from it.
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