A Conversation for The Art of Eating Toast
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Vestboy Started conversation Jul 31, 2011
In 1982 while traveling on the high speed train between London and Birmingham in the middle of winter I succumbed to the temptation of the smell of bacon wafting from the buffet carriage. There was snow outside and the buffet was warm and inviting and I had some money.
"A bacon sandwich please."
I then watched as the buffista arranged bread under the grill while the streaky bacon cooked. I was in a perplexed state. I had not had semi toasted bread as an ingredient in a bacon sandwich before and was concerned that this man had lost his marbles.
Then he took the first slice toasted side up and piled the bacon on it and then applied the second slice toasted side down and sliced it in half.
I sat down staring at this apparently incorrectly made sandwich and nervously bit into it. Surely the toasty bit - if there should ever be a toasty bit - should be on the OUTSIDE.
The smile that appeared on my face pushed each ear back about an inch. This was bacon sandwich perfection. The soft outer bread was familiar, but the crunch next to the bacon was exquisite. The bacon fat ran happily down my chin and onto the vest to give me a stain to be proud of.
Long live the single sided toasty slice.
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