Hello there, whoever you are! (I can't work out the thing where it puts your name)

Hello, and welcome to my new and improved (though not particularly original) space.
This is what my intro used to say:
'I am Clare. I was born, and am not dead. I will write more when I have the time and patience.'
Now, finding myself in proud ownership of 8, yes EIGHT weeks of holiday, I thought I might just have time to fulfil this.So.........
My name, as you might just have gathered by now, is Clare doh. I read everything I can get my hands on, and my favourite books at the moment are The long dark teatime of the soul (thanks, Roadkill!) and The Secret History, by Donna Tartt.
My greatest ambitions are to build a time machine and (even less realistically) to become fluent in French and German.

earth Oh yes, and I have been awarded title of:
Keeper of Interesting but Essentially Useless words like Halitosis and Snood

star And just to show I can do it too: (2+2+3)*6*2/2 = 42 winkeye

strawberry Join the UBC today! Equal rights for odd socks! Just click here: A1065755

peacesign Another cool site is People for Peace (A633331). If you are a person and/or for peace, check it out.

bluebutterfly My favourite quote at the moment:

'What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?'

I am a pacifist peacesign, vegetarian corncob, socialist mars, and wannabe hippy rainbow


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