A Conversation for The h2g2 Doctor Who Group

Dr Who.

Post 121


What rot, the Dalek's don't always come back at all. They were killed off once and for all at the end of The Rescue.

And again at the end of Evil of the Daleks.

And again in Genesis of the Daleks.

And again in Remembrance of the Daleks.

And again in Dalek.

So you're totally wrong smiley - erm

Gif smiley - geek

Dr Who.

Post 122

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

That would be a shame if true, becuase the Daleks have been massively overused by RTD. I was quite pleased to hear that there was some kind of licence on the Daleks that was due to expire at the end of Season 3. This also explained the overuse, since they were packing in all the Daleks they could while they had them.
If that's not true... well, never mind.

Dr Who.

Post 123

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Oh come on, Catherine Tate's 'Granny' (the only character I like) Vs the Daleks! It'll be hilarious!

Dr Who.

Post 124


"Exterminate? What a smiley - bleeping liberty!"

Dr Who.

Post 125

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

you got it smiley - winkeye

Dr Who.

Post 126


NPY - "The Slitheen? You don't mean the Sontarans? Know they're back."

Ah, sorry, thought you were still on about the Ood.

Dr Who.

Post 127

Mu Beta

Claire doesn't exactly come out of her interview well, does she?

Let's see: she has a degree in horse-riding, and has had jobs as a holiday rep and a shelf-stacker. She enjoys eating and going out, and sees the founder of trash TV as a suitable role model.

Oh, and she's South African.

Sounds like the sort of woman I'd cross over to the dark end of the street to avoid.


Dr Who.

Post 128

Mu Beta


I posted that to the wrong thread, didn't I?

smiley - blush


Dr Who.

Post 129

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

smiley - rofl

Dr Who.

Post 130


Made perfect sense to me.

Gif smiley - geek

Dr Who.

Post 131

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

I was wondering who Claire was...smiley - erm

Dr Who.

Post 132


The Ood High Priestess.

Gif smiley - geek

Dr Who.

Post 133

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Oh, natch

Dr Who.

Post 134

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth


Dr Who.

Post 135


Glad it's ok that that didn't make sense. Who's Claire anyway?

We are kinda running out of Daleks aren't we? Only one left.....or so we think.....

Dr Who.

Post 136


Overall, I thought the Pompeii one was good and fun to watch. That said, you do have to suspend disbelief in that the Doctor, Donna and the family were OK watching the eruption of Vesuvius. A lot of study has been done on the eruption, and the ash and poisonous gas pretty much acted quickly when the pyroclastic cloud went down the mountain. Here though, it's very slow moving.

While I too am like most and feel there's a slight rewrite in history with the Doctor saving someone, it's just another thing to suspend disbelief. Plus, I noticed that apparently the head of house (I'm sorry, I'm not too clear on the names) is the one who did this really large transaction sale on the marble used for something in Rome.

I thought the rock monsters were scary, but I felt the worshipers' leader turned to stone was even creepier and well done. Plus, I also like how the soothsayers started turning into stone too the more they inhaled the fires. The telling of who the Doctor and Donna are by the two soothsayers was very well done and added a nice shock that the two really did know the truth about the Doctor.

I also loved the choice between 20,000 or the whole Earth dying. It does reflect well on Tom Baker's "Genesis" story and a few other original run "Doctor Who" stories.

Catherine Tate I'm still on the fence as she does remind me of Tegan. That said, her "Just save someone" speech was well done and showed she could at least act. But she does need to work on expressing some emotions.

The telepathic circuitry comment was unnecessary, as it's pretty much obvious something's going on for Donna to understand languages.

Tennant... I like him, but I do feel that he's starting to come to the end of his tenure as the Doctor. By this, he's still entertaining but doesn't have the same spark that made me really like his version over Eccelston's and several of the original Doctors. He could totally surprise me, but if it starts becoming a shadow of what he once was, it's going to be harder to enjoy him.

The Ood will be an interesting story to see, mostly because I felt they were underused in "The Satan Pit" two-parter. I hope though that they don't turn out to be a weakened monster, like I feel happened to Cassandra.

Dr Who.

Post 137


Definately a few good scenes in that episode.

Dr Who.

Post 138


Just watched Planet of the Ood.

Pretty good, I thought - the season continues to improve. A nice, pacey episode (with a few below-par special effects - that rocket ship, for starters) that answered some of the questions that were left hanging after the first Ood outing (doesn't the Doctor object to slavery, how could they have evolved?). Tate got another teary scene - they seem to have figured she does them well.

And then 'your song is ending' - hope that doesn't mean they're planning to kill off Tennant's Doctor, but don't see what else it could mean smiley - huh

Gif smiley - geek

Dr Who.

Post 139

Mister Matty

I thought "Planet of the Ood" was... quite good. Much better than "Partners in Crime" but poorer than "Fires of Pompeii".

Good things:
*The CGI renderings of the Oodsphere landscape
*The Ood. I like the Ood, one of the better New Who monsters.
*Tim McInnery
*Tim McInnery's superb Dan Dare-style spaceship (alright, the CGI on the engines was a bit rubbish but the ship was ace)
*The tone, like "Fires..." just about the right balance between fun and serious.
*That really creepy music that played in the latter parts of the episode; I think it was supposed to represent the Ood song. It was excellent.
*McInnery's transformation, featuring one of the most gruesome moments I've seen on pre-watershed TV in ages. Weird that they felt the need to censor the sound of a skull cracking in "The Empty Child" but we can have a man's scalp peeling off rather graphically in "Planet of the Ood".

Bad things:
*Oodsphere close-up. The snow was fine but it was really blimmin' obvious that those were grassy outcrops under them in contrast with the rocky landscape we saw in the CGI shots.
*Tate going a bit "Catherine Tate Show" with "you callin' me single?"
*The ending, which was a bit "hippyish" all said and done.
*The story arc moment about the bees which was rather unsubtle.

Dr Who.

Post 140

Mister Matty

And then 'your song is ending' - hope that doesn't mean they're planning to kill off Tennant's Doctor, but don't see what else it could mean

That's exactly what I took it to mean. smiley - sadface

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