Small Screen Surfin'

1 Conversation

It wouldn't be a proper party for the Post if Small Screen Surfin' wasn't in it... Every party needs a pooper.

I was watching Tonight with Trevor MacDonald which was about where the National Lottery/Lotto was being spent and I found it very interesting that the money is considered to be 'our' money. And when I say interesting I mean quite funny.

There seems to be some idea that the money is ours because it's spent on charities, communites, culture etc. It's not as if the money is tax whereby you're giving money for X, Y and Z to be created while A, B, and C are to improved. You're buying a ticket to win more money. I think there's very very few people, if at all, buying a ticket for the good of the country.

At the moment people should be happy it isn't Camelot Corp, yet, instead of fearing that your £1 a week (at least) might be funding another Sex Lives of the Potato Men. Personally I have a feeling that even if the profit wasn't being spent on numerous good causes - that's the Film Council not that movie - people would still buy their tickets and play. If you're in it for the morals then there are plenty of registered charities which would benefit from £x a month than reaping a bit third of the total profit in the jackpot...

Moving on slightly, I'm wondering how the re-shot Little Britain is going to look. Will it have the same impact? And most of all I'd like persons' opinions on what they think of this... erm... shuffling so that people aren't offended since BBC One gets a wider demograph of populace?

Not too big on censorship myself but I tend to be desensitised to images on the screen after the first viewing and there's some conspiracy at the Beeb on showing more tacky rubbish on BBC Three since I moaned about Gory Greek Gods. I'm not the one writing to Points of View to have Terry Wogan be patronising.

Speaking of patronising... why oh why are people still watching I'm a Celebrity? It's not good. Ever. Despite Vic Reeves seemingly wishing to commit career suicide. Oooooh yes.

There's some irony somewhere in going on about censorship and looking like you're telling people what to watch but everything has a limit. Just like these smegging mobile phone adverts. Can anyone explain those 3 Mobile ones? Seems like they're trying to go with a touch of Japanese eccentricity although are the adverts' singing cherry sounds... wrong. Along with the 3 mobile adverts we have the - come on everyone do the hand action1 - Phones4U. Recently TV seems to be getting irritating, and one can expect it to get worse as we charge through the Christmas run up.

This run up, the BBCi Comedy newsletter tells me, is minus a ratings giver Only Fools and Horses this year, giving us new Vicar of Dibley instead. On what fun this holiday will bring.

'Finally' we get to this: The top ten Comedy sketches. Now I like Little Britain, of course I do, but how, how are Lou and Andy at the swimming pool in there at all? *groan*


Little Britain stars Matt Lucas and David Walliams, and Spaced's Jessica Stevenson, will be appearing on Friday Night with Johnathon Ross tomorrow (Friday).

And now the Small Screen Supplement!

This week's theme is SuperTed. No relevance to the column of course but I just found it cute that SuperTed battles a crazed Texan2

Happy birthday, Post!

Small Screen Surfin'


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1not that gesture.2All themes download immediately. The Post, BBCi or myself are not responsible for the content of exterior links or any corrupted data.

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