Newcomers List - New 2h2g2

This is the new home for the newcomers list - which is updated periodically. Here you can Meet & Greet New Researchers who recently logged on to h2g2

The Ace Team are a number of Older Researchers, who have been asked by h2g2 to meet newcomers to the site. Sometimes it gets so busy that some of you may have been missed - Sorry - The lists primary function is for the Ace Team (Assistant Community Editors) to check back and see if any newcomers have updated their pages so the Aces can welcome them to the site.

You too can use the list to find other newbies to h2g2 and say Hello.
Anybody wishing to have their New Guide Entries read - I would be honoured if you would allow me to review your work before placing it on:
The Peer Review Page
Thank you and Happy Postings

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Meet An Angel

-- Meet The h2g2 Guardian Angels -- Archangel Zax* - P. S. of Alcoholic Indulgence Saint Ioreth - P. S. of Happy AccidentsSaint Jeltz - P. S. of Poetic LicenseSaint Benji - P. S. of the Barking MadSaint Tweetie - P. S. of Impossible EscapesSaint "Asteroid" Lil - P. S. of Graphic Detail Saint Quorthon - P. S. of Furry MetalSaint Thistle - P. S. Prickly Personalities Saint Angel - P. S. of Double EntendrésSaint Cheese - P. S. of Long LunchesSaint Lisa - P. S. of Unrequited LoveSaint Cloughie - P. S. of Flying PigsSaint Big 'Evil' Dan - P.S. of Weekendism Saint (Doctor) John - P.S. of the Chemically ChallengedSaint Cutlery - P.S. of Cutting RemarksSaint KoRn BaLl - P.S. of Corny RemarksSaint Irving Washington - P.S. of the Highly StrungSaint Bruce - P.S. of the Pixelly ChallengedSaint Sporkulious Eglon - P.S. of Creative TruthsSaint Justin - P.S. of Paper-CutsSaint Technicolor Yawn - P.S. of the Morally MoribundSaint Paperdoll - P.S. of the Painfully ShySaint Possum - P.S. of Creatures of the NightSaint Jester - P.S. of Village Idiots Saint SBWTTtToaSCPN&SFSNTbCToO - P.S. of BrevitySaint Taco-Chako - P.S. of Mixed MetaphorsSaint Silent Bob - P.S. of the Silent MajoritySaint Halo - P.S. of Lucky CharmsSaint Moo Juice - P.S. of Country FolkSaint John - P.S. of the Technologicly FrustratedSaint William Jenkins - P.S. of TeaSaint canadian girl - P.S. of FrogsSaint Fashion Cat - P.S. of Indolent StudentsSaint jimmiejaz - P.S. of Nadsat FashionREQUEST YOUR VERY OWN GUARDIAN ANGEL!PUT THE ANGEL'S LIST CODE ON YOUR PAGE!
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Angel List courtesy of The Archangel Zax*

This page shows all Newcomers who activated their pages recently. For the latest Researchers to join h2g2, try theNewUsers Page.

Below is a list of Newcomers who activated their Home Pages Late. Pop over to their pages, and say Hi. Below that is a link to the main list of newcomers.

The following links were Posted 21st Jan. 2001 and were activated by the newcomers between 8th Jan & 19th Jan.


U165270  Dark Star
U165314  Researcher 165314
U165344  R@ty
U165457  saltdemon45
U165633  Researcher 165633
U165645  Jeff the Mightily Confused
U165671  Researcher 165671
U165683  Sneftel
U165786  Yossarian Prefect II
U165832  Little Joe
U165965  BYuCnslr
U166006  Anne of a Thousand Days
U166054  LankyK
U166056  camneil
U166072  Sonik
U166087  Meadowlark

To check list of newcomers Posted 21st Jan

Click here
Previous Newcomers pages:
Newcomers Posted 14th January 2001
Newcomers Posted 27th December 2000
Newcomers posted 10th December 2000
Newcomers posted 24th November 2000
Newcomers posted 18th November 2000

Some More Interesting Links, Colonel Sellers gives you:

The Overwhelmingly Huge

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How do you find out about h2g2 quickly - you know you saw the information but what page is it on ?
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Newcomers 2h2g2

Researcher U130387


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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