This is the Message Centre for Newcomers 2h2g2

How is it compiled ?

Post 1


St.Peter - Hello Vegiman smiley - smiley

Nice Idea smiley - smiley

I'm sure there are a lot of people who will be as pleased with this development as I.

What I am wondering about is how it is compiled. Do you get a print-out from the H2G2 team denoting the creation of pages, or is it randomly reasearched by ACES ?

How often will the entries be updated & when ?

Is there anyway in which a pop-up might be included in the gadgets kit-bag so recently activated pages might be denoted ?

I ask these questions because I recently when back to about 650 homepages and found about 75 relatively new users without a welcome from anyone. Which is precisely why I started the Guardian Angels in the first place...



How is it compiled ?

Post 2

Newcomers 2h2g2

Do I kneel - OK - down on one knee.

HiYa God - Yes I get the info directly from the Towers - its new and not yet smooth running yet. As from this week I will be receiving the previous weeks newcomers list on fridays which I will put up over the weekend after I have converted it into GuideML and giving links.

Mark Moxon produced the list for me via Peta. This week was the first received with newcomers who have activated their pages.

Please tell anyone who may be interested and by all means - your group is as welcome as the Aces.

I will use this thread which you started to let you know when the next
list is up.

Standing up again - bowing as I leave the room.

How is it compiled ?

Post 3

Newcomers 2h2g2

PS as for a pop up - I doubt if this would be feasable - you will notice the who'sOnLine link now shows new researchers for a week rather than a day.
Working on something that shows when a page is activated could be on the cards but not at the mo - h2g2 are busy sorting out the teething problems of running the site in two skins.

How is it compiled ?

Post 4


St.Peter - Thanks for the info. It will certainly make it easier to find people smiley - smiley

Gee, it must be a few fun filled hours for you putting it into Guide code... smiley - bigeyes

But well worth it... smiley - smiley

I have one more question though. How come there are so many user pages that go to waste. Is it just a case of people having trouble activating accounts ? (...or does it look good on the figures when Mr/Ms.Advertiser comes calling... smiley - winkeye ).

BTW Whenever St.Peter appears up the top & bottom of posts, it's me Saint Peter not his Majesticness. So you can bow if you like, but I don't need my ego massaged as much as HIM... smiley - winkeyesmiley - winkeyesmiley - bigeyes


How is it compiled ?

Post 5

Newcomers 2h2g2

OK St.P Just keep the gates open for me smiley - smiley

I tidy the list as it has a few querks by hand.
I have written a program to convert the list sent to me into GuideML automatically. So the program took some time to write and I am always looking for ways to improve it. Within receiving the list - start work on it and finished pages - takes about two hours.

As to your other question - Many pages are made by mistake. Many who forget the email address they used and have two or three user pages accidently create a new User page, they do not really want.

The Towers are aware of this problem and will be looking into it soon.
Some new to h2g2 are inquisitive and while looking around they half activate their pages but do not answer the intro email as they do not want to join. Once again the Towers are looking into ways to cut this down.

vegsmiley - smiley

How is it compiled ?

Post 6


St.Peter - Don't worry about the gates, I'll hide your 'microfish' file... smiley - winkeye

Thanks again... smiley - smiley


How is it compiled ?

Post 7


You are welcome O worthy one
vegsmiley - smiley

How is it compiled ?

Post 8


Thanks for the link Veggieman...!!!

I can assure you the Archangel is thrilled... smiley - smiley

smiley - fish - Simply, Indebted.

How is it compiled ?

Post 9

Newcomers 2h2g2

Yooooz welcome

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