This is the Message Centre for Newcomers 2h2g2

ARe you New and ave not been gretted

Post 1

Newcomers 2h2g2

If you have been on site and not been visited then just say hi here And I promise someone will pop over to your page and say hello.

ARe you New and ave not been gretted

Post 2

Newcomers 2h2g2

As you ken see you dont have to be a greeet speeeeler - so dont be shy smiley - smiley

ARe you New and ave not been gretted

Post 3

The Nitpicker

Yes I have been greeted - is being gretted something different? Are there no other messages because a) no-one knows what gretted is or b) are the ACES so very efficient that they are one step ahead?

ARe you New and ave not been gretted

Post 4

Newcomers 2h2g2

They try to be smiley - tongueout

I am glad you were greeted to the site - You wouldn't like to be gretted - its very painful
vegimansmiley - smiley

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