Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 26th Nov. 2000

1 Conversation

The following Links are to newcomers who activated their pages between 17th & 24th of November.

Why not pop over and say hi


 1) Newcomers 1 to 10 (a)

U160520  Darren_rj
U160521  Alisha Angel
U160531  Deep Thought
U160536  Johhen
U160537  Cody Ravenheart
U160538  Researcher 160538
U160544  A Free Man
U160561  Researcher 160561
U160564  Researcher 160564
U160568  Starbuck

 2) Newcomers 11 to 20 (b)

U160570  Sparrow
U160580  basketlady
U160581  The She-Wuss
U160589  zoe001
U160593  Woman of Mystery
U160596  Trevor McKeown
U160611  Zabardast
U160618  Tatsuya
U160625  Wyatt
U160626  watusi

 3) Newcomers 21 to 30 (c)

U160634  The Ginger Wizard
U160636  Researcher 160636
U160642  Linus
U160645  Jazzter
U160646  CAT- feline saint, goddess or other appropriate deity.
U160647  Kurairei Tenn no Ai-Ryu
U160649  lostsoul
U160655  Researcher 160655
U160660  Researcher 160660
U160669  Last Son of Mars

 4) Newcomers 31 to 40 (d)

U160670  Indigo
U160678  Gozer
U160690  Jaywalker
U160696  Jonathan 160696
U160701  krn
U160703  tomsk
U160738  gaudi
U160740  Ladyluck
U160742  Brack
U160744  Researcher 160744

 5) Newcomers 41 to 50 (e)

U160748  Antra
U160753  minks
U160767  Researcher 160767
U160772  Researcher 160772
U160777  RyGuy713
U160778  Babylon the Small
U160784  Hannibal B.
U160785  toxicdancer
U160790  Taeyn
U160798  horsefool

 6) Newcomers 51 to 60 (f)

U160806  wardy
U160811  edoctober
U160815  <alien>
U160817  Pies
U160818  Researcher 160818
U160819  dr. dunc
U160820  Myncie
U160835  Researcher 160835
U160836  laplandes
U160838  cheshirecat

 7) Newcomers 61 to 70 (g)

U160847  Tommy Toaster
U160851  Andronicus
U160875  Nickelodeon
U160877  juliet
U160887  Lattod
U160888  Squirrelworker
U160890  Anthony
U160895  Researcher 160895
U160899  cybertrader
U160900  Naia

 8) Newcomers 71 to 80 (h)

U160903  Faldor
U160909  lazybones
U160915  pharmacy_man
U160930  Keyser Soze
U160932  Roy
U160935  Researcher 160935
U160936  Serges
U160947  UseLess
U160970  Xenophule
U160973  CatCarouser

 9) Newcomers 81 to 90 (i)

U160984  Tuffpuppy
U160994  Jerry13
U160998  dark gently
U161001  Max
U161004  Researcher 161004
U161007  The Grim Meeper
U161008  harrisj
U161009  Nef
U161012  pathew
U161021  Researcher Noctem

10) Newcomers 91 to 100 (j)

U161023  Mordmorgan
U161027  Van Tumour
U161047  Rob
U161063  Dave
U161065  Boy 78
U161068  Kez
U161071  Researcher 161071
U161082  Jay Tremblay
U161086  Irresponsible Man
U161087  dshane

11) Newcomers 101 to 110 (k)

U161104  JStar
U161106  Flaco Mael
U161107  Researcher 161107
U161110  Sébasto Guacamol
U161115  Georgie
U161116  Sus!e
U161118  camillion
U161130  olly
U161147  Researcher 161147
U161149  Kilgore

12) Newcomers 111 to 120 (l)

U161153  PyRex
U161156  Sha-Ka (the Fjords Designer)
U161161  Researcher 161161
U161165  Mycroft
U161174  Pat La Mouche
U161181  Andreas Georgiou
U161193  Ken
U161208  dhunter_12
U161215  DareDevil
U161219  Researcher 161219

13) Newcomers 121 to 130 (m)

U161229  Mostly Welsh
U161232  Eternally Confused
U161241  sexybruce
U161247  Randal
U161248  aGe2.1 (R161248)
U161265  Tarquin
U161267  Researcher 161267

The following are the links which were on display on the Newcomers 2h2g2 Home Space last week.



U158294  Falern
U158601  ouiskyndzoda
U158656  Sunyata
U158843  Leovinus
U158910  The Man
U158948  Weggie
U158963  David Sloan
U159049  caeruleus
U159067  Damocles
U159074  Eblem from the 7th Trail
U159077  Luna Yo Yo
U159086  Researcher 159086
U159150  Keeper of the Royal Sandwich-Maker
U159188  Ed

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