A Conversation for Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 26th Nov. 2000

Check Point

Post 1



Testing the http://www.h2g2.com/NewUsers page.

We need to know if the new system is working and check if all newcomers have been welcomed.

If you could post here the headings you will check and report back if you found any newcomers who have not been greeted, I would appreciate it.
Thanks for you time
vegimansmiley - smiley

Check Point

Post 2


As far as I can see there were only 3 that hadn't been greeted by anyone - probably activated at the end of the week. It seems to work...GOod idea to reverse the order tho.

Check Point

Post 3


Yeh, the ripley version is far better - I have put forward a few suggestions to improve it further but Mark tells me it will not be possible until they alter the C++ Programing - perhaps the next update !

Thanks for checking them out Androyd - I take it you ploughed through them all - well done.

Catcha soon vegimansmiley - smiley

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More Conversations for Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 26th Nov. 2000

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