Newcomers 2h2g2 Posted 10th December 2000

1 Conversation

Hi - Quite a few Necomers have been missed this week so I have posted last weeks newbies here

Could you please check these links and see who has been missed. Just to let us know which heading you are checking to ensure everybody gets at least one visit, could please let us know which on the forum below.


 1) Newcomers 1 to 10 (a)

U162183  samvak
U162187  xXmatthew.wildingXx
U162201  Shana Trax
U162205  agent of d
U162206  Dozer
U162207  Shannon
U162211  Solarflare
U162212  xynn
U162213  Maverick
U162223  MAX@School

 2) Newcomers 11 to 20 (b)

U162224  Wolfman
U162236  Lucust & Bob Badger
U162246  superqult
U162251  Wesley 162251
U162252  Bad Bob
U162253  chris3074
U162263  aaangel
U162264  ParanoidAndroid
U162268  100 watt warlock of rock (aka plurrr) the Keeper of Last Minute Disasters
U162269  Rose015

 3) Newcomers 21 to 30 (c)

U162270  Researcher Maxximiliano
U162271  barblefish-philological piscean
U162275  Internutt
U162280  The Eris Principle
U162284  SlowRazorz
U162285  Researcher 162285
U162289  Ash23
U162298  Jupiter (High Commander of the Fleet) (Running Open BSD)
U162300  Bob
U162304  Researcher 162304

 4) Newcomers 31 to 40 (d)

U162309  CROC
U162318  Nimrod the Hunter!
U162320  PerfectBlue
U162321  Researcher 162321
U162325  emy and her umbrella
U162330  afree izumi
U162335  Ames
U162338  krn
U162340  X0dUS
U162343  Hezekiel

 5) Newcomers 41 to 50 (e)

U162344  johnwfulton13
U162352  punichicken (Keeper of All Things Moist and Some Things Lilac)
U162353  Researcher: Delekhan
U162354  purz
U162357  Researcher 162357
U162359  number 6
U162371  Researcher 162371
U162376  Mickey Thomas' Right Foot
U162377  Spinner
U162385  Zeus

 6) Newcomers 51 to 60 (f)

U162386  akita mani yo
U162387  threeoftwo
U162402  Mild Mannered Janitor
U162413  Wossname
U162414  blackice
U162416  Hanz Who
U162419  ShowMonkey
U162420  Dannyboy
U162424  Huw
U162429  Godgirl

 7) Newcomers 61 to 70 (g)

U162430  Badoo
U162434  Moi
U162439  angahared
U162444  Clipiola
U162446  Traffctek
U162451  Researcher 162451
U162452  Ear Parcel
U162453  JR
U162455  Samurai Jimbo
U162463  316Nnq'JW

 8) Newcomers 71 to 80 (h)

U162474  Salveruni
U162482  Researcher 162482
U162486  Andy Rose
U162495  Goldi_loco{International}
U162499  Benji1313
U162502  Researcher Neel
U162506  Ford Ranger
U162508  mad bitch
U162516  AngelGabriel
U162519  Researcher 162519

 9) Newcomers 81 to 90 (i)

U162521  H3
U162527  Dekan-Condor
U162531  Researcher 162531
U162533  Tash
U162535  ear parcel
U162539  Researcher 162539
U162540  The Mac Hack
U162541  The Gather
U162542  Nazrag
U162543  Claudia

10) Newcomers 91 to 100 (j)

U162548  deadfake
U162564  Fred Zahrn
U162578  Quarter Moon
U162584  musherladi
U162595  evildana
U162599  Ford Prefect
U162604  Gadge
U162614  jo b
U162615  KenWester
U162621  K1

11) Newcomers 101 to 110 (k)

U162626  SMEF
U162637  A Super Intelligent Shade of Purple
U162644  I am a cheese eating moomin
U162648  Moonkai
U162655  Touconos
U162660  Reve
U162666  Lucius Sulla
U162675  Don't Panic
U162677  abc
U162678  Researcher 162678

12) Newcomers 111 to 120 (l)

U162682  Tharg Analskweezer
U162685  Researcher 162685
U162686  goofball
U162690  Tonio
U162692  Doc Daneeka
U162695  Researcher 31536000
U162703  Lovious
U162711  Avi Fain
U162713  Woad Raider
U162715  allitnil

13) Newcomers 121 to 130 (m)

U162720  Chamalulu
U162729  Researcher 162729
U162733  Fairy Hedgehog
U162752  Dave "The Anchovy" P
U162754  AngryPanda
U162759  Craig
U162762  klima
U162766  Researcher 162766
U162768  Researcher 162768
U162777  Princess Leia

14) Newcomers 131 to 140 (n)

U162788  Researcher Raisin
U162790  kinzokutaka
U162799  GypsumFlower
U162803  Researcher 162803
U162805  vagrant
U162814  The Anomaly
U162817  Researcher 162817
U162819  DrWendy
U162822  Unifex
U162826  Arizona-Pete

15) Newcomers 141 to 150 (o)

U162829  Researcher 162829
U162831  DorkBot
U162833  SpideyBat
U162835  Cnile
U162836  The Kirstars...
U162845  Vixen!
U162847  Researcher 162847
U162852  Zero Reality Entity (Exitential being wanting out of Finnish winter)
U162856  the lone wolf
U162859  GoGo Dancing Queen

16) Newcomers 151 to 160 (p)

U162860  jPeMelin
U162872  zoob
U162885  Jazzman
U162899  Bugada The Almighty
U162901  Kungfufighta
U162905  Researcher 162905
U162908  Researcher 162908
U162910  lisamageesa
U162912  Guy
U162921  Mostly Harmless

17) Newcomers 161 to 165 (q)

U162923  MrHoward
U162928  Beckit
U162945  Researcher mozart42
U162953  Pucki
U162959  garfman


U161154  Researcher 161154
U161607  Eisengeist
U161673  Robin Glas
U161687  Perseve
U161746  Researcher 161746
U161759  The Nazarean
U161773  cosmo
U161802  Snorri
U161970  Researcher 161970
U162018  Researcher 162018
U162036  Researcher 162036
U162061  Carolyn
U162167  Fishboy

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