So, You Want To Be...A Kibbutz Volunteer!
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
Every year, the world over, people set off on the journey of a life time. Many are students, taking a year or so out of education, many are not and are just travelling for the fun of it. For some, it is a long worked for holiday; for others, they're just getting away. And somewhere along the line, many of these people will end up in ISRAEL , perhaps even working and living on a Kibbutz as a Volunteer...which is where this article might be of some interest and use, especially if your backpack is already standing by the front door!
The Kibbutz
Kibbutz, generally speaking, means 'community' and the basic creed of the Kibbutz movement, and possibly one of the few things they all actually agree upon, is this:
'To everyone according to his needs,
And from everyone according to his abilities.'
How the Kibbutzim Started.
The first Kibbutz1, and the movement, was founded in about 1908/9 as an agruculturally based economy that allowed people of a like mind to live together and care for each other.
Over the years, the system has changed appreciably, but the initial aims have varied little. The work, in some cases, has become industrialised, producing such diverese items as electrical goods, plastic chicken feeders and cardboard boxes!
Initially, as the movement grew, it was inevitable that there would be some disagreement as to how things should be run and the Movement shifted into three or four seperate factions.
There was the minority religious section, HaKibbutz HaDati and three mainstream factions: Ha'artzi, HaMeuchad and Ichud.
The differences between the latter three movements has, over the years, become blurred to the point where few Kibbutzniks actually know the difference and, in reality, there is no difference - although die-hard members would tell you otherwise!
In the early days, life was hard, and necessarily austere. Everything was shared, everything was owned by everybody, from the light fittings to the clothes upon the backs of the people living and working on the Kibbutz. There was no space for individual expressions of style, too much energy was being expended in the reclamation of swamps and the cultivating of land.
It seems that the 'popular' idea of life on a Kibbutz today is pretty much the same. Struggle and austerity, sharing the underwear and showers and not having two shekel to rub together.
Although work is still shared - you're just as likely to find the Kibbutz Secretary scrubbing out the toilets - and all jobs have the same amount of importance attached to them, a person will, eventually, be assigend the job to which s/he is most suited; although most service work - peeling vegetables, cleaning, collecting the refuse - will still be rotaed out.
How Members2 Live Today
The principle ' To each according to his needs' is still very much in evidence on the Kibbutz today. Housing, clothing, education, medical services and so on are provided as such. But over the years, Members have developed the need to own more personal items, luxury or consumer goods. Problem solved! The personal allowance was introduced. The same for every person, regardless of the job they do, people are free to spend that allowance on whatever they wish!
Members sometimes have skills that, whilst very important, are not required on their Kibbutz, that service being already filled; for instance Doctors or Teachers. The Members can, and invariably do, work outside the Kibbutz, and turn their wages over to the Kibbutz at the end of the month.
Young people, born and raised on a Kibbutz, can find it a hard way of life, seeing the 'advantages' of living away in the city. Time was, people who wanted to leave would be able to do so, but would very rarely be allowed to return once they had left.
These days, a slightly more flexible attitude has been adopted and some Kibbutz members leave for a year or two, sample life 'outside' or abroad, then, when the time comes, make the descision to remain on the Kibbutz or not. The descision to stay after a leave of absence is then seen has having its roots in meaningful committment to the Kibbutz.
The Volunteer's
Don't ever labour under the illusion that being a Volunteer is an easy option - it ain't !! Although the Kibbutz system has to be, by its very nature, strictly and rigidly structured, there is plenty of room for personal expression within the system - everybody's equal, generally speaking, but always remember that, whilst you will be treated with courtesy and respect, the same is expected of you. You're living in somebody elses home and they have seen thousands of people drift in and out of their lives. Although friendly enough, do not expect to be dragged into the family bosom the moment you arrive on Kibbutz. As with many things, you gotta work at earning it!
So How Do I Get To Be A Volunteer?
There are many ways to become a Volunteer on a Kibbutz and the one you choose is dependant upon how adventurous you may be feeling. Generally speaking, if you have never travelled abroad before, the best way would be to go with a group of people via an organization such as Kibbutz Representatives. They will, for a fee, arrange flight and Kibbutz for you. You will be met at BenGurion Airport by a rep from the Kibbutz and your problems, hopefully, will be few.
On the other hand, it can be cheaper and more fulfilling if you take off on your own and do what any number of people do: fly economy to Tel Aviv, stay at an Hostel overnight, then go to the Kibbutz office on Ben Yehuda and ask to be a Volunteer! It sounds simple and, in many cases, can be. But bear in mind the time of year that you arrive. There may be any number of travellers / students doing exactly that and sometimes the system can get clogged; you may spend a couple of weeks or more waiting to be allocated a Kibbutz.
That in itself, can be an advantage. Do your sightseeing whilst you're wating, but be sparing of your cash if you're on a limited budget! You will be expected to pay a registration fee and insurance - be sure to find out how much this is liable to be before you go!
What Do Volunteers Do?
The simple answer is: anything they're told to! Be aware that, whilst members have a degree of choice in what they do, Volunteers are just that: Volunteers. You could end up spending six months on the dish-washer or your entire stay working in the cotton fields or cleaning the toilets.
Males usually end up with the hard, physical labour, whilst female Volunteers are invariably lumbered with kitchen duties or general cleaning...but there are exceptions to this rule! If you have a skill in 'civvy street', let it be known, it could be utilised. On the other hand, if you don't care what you do, you'll be in seventh heaven!
All Kibbutz will have a Volunteer Leader or Organizer, who works out the rota's in conjunction with other members who run various parts of the Kibbutz; Pardez ( Citrus Orchards ) Refet ( Cow sheds and Milking Parlours) or any of the numerous other pasttimes, such as industry or kitchens or general cleaning. If you have a real aversion to a particular job, let the Leader know and s/he will, as a rule, do his/her best to get you a change.
On most Kibbutz, the working day for Volunteers is about six hours,and in some instances longer, it depends upon the Kibbutz, so there's plenty of time to do your own thing! Most Kibbutz will offer 'overtime' of some description that will accumalate you extra time off. The rules that apply to time off vary from Kibbutz to Kibbutz, but generally, you will finish work on Friday afternoon and not have to start again until Sunday morning. On top of this, you will, as a rule, be entitled to two extra day's off a month; but you must give the Volunteer Leader at least a weeks notice as to when you want to take these days3.
Many Kibbutz expect their Volunteers to stay for at least six weeks, and many will insist upon a longer committment. But the longer you stay, the bigger benefits become. Many Kibbutzim will take their Volunteers on a trip, the duration of which depends upon the wealth and, in many cases, the generosity of the Kibbutz in question. These trips can be just a day's outing or a three day trek to the Dead Sea or, if you're lucky and in the right area, the Sinai...but it has to said, these treks are pretty rare!
You can save up your extra days and overtime, in most places, and use them to great advantage at the end of your stay. Be aware that some Kibbutz will not allow you to return if you travel to Egypt or Jordan at the end of your stay. They'll probably let store some of your luggage, but once you leave, you've left!
Remember too, that when you arrive in Israel, your Passport will be stamped with a Visa for three months4,but you can have a seperate piece of paper inserted in your Passport and stamped seperately, if you intend to travel to other countries that are not inclined to accept visitiors that have lived in Israel.
What Do I Get From All This?
On the purest level, the joy of meeting other people in another culture and getting to know them; what else do you expect?!
You'll get three square meals a day ( be prepared for the shock of having salad for breakfast...seriously! ), all your accomadation, all your work clothes, aerogrammes ( up to ten a week on some Kibbutz, which means no postage to write home! ), some give smokers four or five packs of cigarettes a week ( non-smokers get extra cash ), some give toiletries and all will give you a remuneration of some description.
Some Kibbutz will give you actual cash, others will open an account at the Kibbutz Kolbo (shop) so you can go and buy stuff and some might operate a system that incorporates both methods of payment.
Ladies will, as a rule, receive some form of help in terms of sanitary requirements - this will either take the form of extra credit or actual items.
All your laundry will be taken care of, but you must make sure that the Volunteer number you are given upon arrival is etched indelible upon every item you intend to put through the laundry...things have been known to go walkabout!
Generally, the sleeping quarters are spartan...and single sex. You will be expected to share a room with up to three other people, which can be fun, as long as you all respect the others' need for the occassional private moment. It really can engender true friendships and improve your diplomacy and negotiating skills!
Many Kibbutz will, after you have been there for a while ( and if you've managed to suck up to the Volunteer Leader enough! ), give couples a room of their own or, if you're very fortunate, you might even get your own singleton pad!
The rooms will have a bed ( do not expect interior sprung mattresses! ), table chairs, storage space, kettle, cups and an electric fire5. Some Volunteer Leaders supply extra bits and pieces on a Friday after work, which is when the laundry is collected and delivered and the bed clothes changed, such as biscuits and fruit and the occasional bottle of Sprite.
You will be responsible for the cleanliness of your room and, despite what you may find when you arrive, it is best not to add to any graffitti you may find on the walls - people have been expelled for less!
Anything Else We Need To Know?
Many Kibbutz do not practice the Jewish faith as such, but nearly all observe some kind of celebration on a Friday evening at Meal times. Best to be presentable and respectful of their customs.
Food can be Kosher, but it is more than likely that there will be only a token effort made in that direction; but prepared not to have butter to put on your bread if there is meat at the evening meal, or to have milk in your coffee.
DO NOT DO DRUGS!! It cannot be emphasised enough - if you get caught smoking dope or popping pills or anything else of that ilk you will be expelled! Israeli's take it as a personal affront that you have been invited into their home and you have endangered their children and abused their hospitality. It's plain bad manners, regardless of what you may think about the issue of drugs and drug taking. And apart from anything else, you will give other Volunteers from your Country a bad reputation, and that is something that other travellers have enough trouble getting over, without your help!
Many Kibbutz have suffered from what has come to be known as the 'Marbella Mentality' - and unfortunately, most of the culprits are British. It is a state of mind that dictates that Volunteers are on holiday, and will have a good time, no matter what the consequences. This usually involves getting extremely drunk and causing a deal of mayhem and damage.
Please, if you are going to have a drink, make a party or generally enjoy yourself, nobody minds! Many of the younger Kibbutzniks will probably join in, but show a little restraint. Alcohol is not the 'social' pasttime in Israel that it has become in other parts of the world. Many Israeli's will enjoy a beer or two, but that is as far as it goes. Purim ( the Feast of Esther ) is probably the only time that Kibbutzniks will really let rip.
The Boy/Girl Thing And Partners.
Living and working and relaxing with so many different people from so many different cultures and countries, it is very easy to form relationships with other people and there is no bar to inter-volunteer relationships. But be aware that boy Volunteer/girl Kibbutnik pairings are not viewed particularly favourably. We may find it an 'old-fashioned' point of view, but Israeli parents, particularly those that live on Kibbutz, view children as their future. And when those children are female and there's a chance of them being 'enticed' away...
The reverse is true of female Volunteers and you may find that, on your Kibbutz, there are many female members who are from your country and have stayed to marry and raise families with Israeli men. This is particularly true of what are usually considered to be the 'first wave' of Volunteers; those who came to Israel during the Six Day War, when nearly all the men were away fighting, and stayed on to help after the conflict was over.
Please also be aware that, although Kibbutz life is quite easy-going, and Tel Aviv may appear to be a very cosmopolitan city, peoples attitudes toward Gay and Lesbian relationships are not as liberal as we might like or expect them to be. Please have some regard to this, especially if you are in Jerusalem and in the Old City or near Mea'sherim ( the ultra-Orthadox section of Jerusalem); it is quite possible that you will end up getting verbally abused ( at best ) or stoned ( at worst).
And Finally...
Know a little of the country that you are this instance have a look at The Formation of the State of Israel and invest in a good guide book, such as Lonely Planet or a Let's Go! Baedeker, whilst excellent, is more for your leisurely traveller than your budget backpacker!
There is a useful site about Kibbutz and, if you're thinking of heading off in that direction, you could do a lot worse than pay it a visit. You can find it HERE ; go to the Volunteers section first, then have a little look round.
There are other types of work available in Israel, such as Moshav, but, whatever you do, do not get involved in the casual, 'black' labour market. You'll only end up getting ripped off...or worse!
If you intend to stay long term, six month's at least, some kibbutzim
will actually get you a place on an Ulpan. Here you can not only learn Hebrew, but a little more of the history of Israel and what makes the country tick!
So go; enjoy; relax and come back with a tan and the memories of an experience you will never forget!
Being a Volunteer is hard work, expect it, but it is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have...expect that too!