Homophones and Catachreses

15 Conversations

This is a list of easily-mistaken words - you know, the ones that look or sound similar, but have completely different meanings, such as 'new' and 'knew' - otherwise known as homophones.

Then there are the words which are not strictly speaking homophones, but are often mis-used nonetheless - these can be found here too. Known as catachreses, they are the kind of words that are sometimes used by people trying to make themselves sound more intelligent than they are, as seen in the film Wilt:

Policeman: Are you inferring I'm an idiot?

Wilt: No, I'm implying you're an idiot. You see, the listener infers, the speaker implies.

Now then, homophones should not be confused with homonyms which are, in actual fact, 'Each of two or more words having the same spelling and pronunciation but different meanings and origin'*. So that would be things like a chair you sit on and a chair who hosts a meeting...

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  • Affect - to have an influence on, to cause a change in

    Effect - v. to cause, to bring about; n. result, consequence, impression

  • aisle - clear path between seats in a church or hall, eg

    isle - small island

  • Alternate - proceeding in the manner A-B-A-B, etc. ('A pedestrian crossing has alternate black and white stripes')

    Alternative - one of a number of possible options. ('Let's use an alternative route')

  • Ate - past tense of to eat

    Eight - the number between seven and nine

  • Bare - not clothed, without elaboration, without, uncover and expose it to view

    Bear - as in teddy bear, a big mammal!

  • Boy - young man

    Buoy - floating marine marker

  • brake - to slow or stop

    break - to become seperate pieces

  • buy - to pay money for

    bye - a contraction of goodbye

  • Caught - intercept and hold something that has been thrown

    Court - where judicial cases are heard, a place where you can play ball games, an area surrounded by buildings, the process of trying to attract a mate

  • Compliment - a flattering remark

    Complement - one of a pair of things that go together or compete

  • Continually - often, all the time

    Continuously - without pausing

  • Currant - a small dried fruit made from the a seedless grape

    Current - a flow of air, water or electricity

  • Discreet - prudent, circumspect

    Discrete - distinct, discontinuous, separate

  • Draw - to make a picture with pencils, to pull or drag a vehicle, to 'draw to a close', to take in a breath...

    Drawer - a lidless box-like compartment, made to slide in and out of a desk or chest

  • Elicit - evoke or draw out

    Illicit - forbidden by law, rules or customs

  • Ensure - to make sure something occurs

    Insure - to obtain or provide insurance on

  • Fare - what you pay when you get on a bus

    fair - treating people equally

  • Forth - as in 'and so forth'

    Fourth - the number four in a sequence

  • Grate - reducing food to small shreads, to have an irritating effect, the metal bit of a fireplace which holds the fuel

    Great - brilliant!

  • here - in this place

    hear - perceive sound with the ears

  • Hair - the stuff on your head

    hare - an animal a bit like a rabbit

  • Infer - to reason or deduce from given evidence.

    Imply - to suggest something without explicitly stating it.

  • Its - the possessive form of 'it'

    It's - the contraction of 'it is'

  • meet - to see some people

    meat - byproduct of animals

  • Pain- nerve stimulus of an unpleasant nature

    Pane - sheet of glass.

  • Passed - past tense and past participle of the verb pass

    Past - is the form to use in all other senses

  • peal - ring, as in a bell

    peel - (n) outer covering, skin (especially fruit); (v) to remove skin

  • pie - pastry crust with filling

    pi - (greek letter used to represent) the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter

  • piece - part of something

    peace - freedom from conflict

  • Prescribed - To advise or order

    Proscribed - To ban, outlaw or forbid

  • Principal - Most important, a head of a school, college or university

    Principle - A general rule, a theory underlying a method or way of working.

  • raise - to lift up

    raze - to flatten to the ground (building, eg)

  • reek - to stink bad. Really bad

    wreak - to bring about (as in havoc)

  • ring - a circlet of metal worn on the finger or toe

    wring - to sqeeze by twisting firmly

  • rite - ceremonial act or proceedure

    write - make words (or other marks) appear

    right - something which is due to anyone by just claim and other things

  • roll - a list of members of a group, or to turn over and over

    role - a part which is played, eg by an actor in a movie

  • Root - the bit of the plant below ground, the source or cause of something

    Route - a way taken to get from a starting point to a destination

  • sale - the act of selling, or to offer various goods at a reduced price

    sail - drive a boat by wind power

  • see - catch sight of something

    sea - a large body of water

  • seas - plural of sea

    sees - present tense of the act of third person seeing

    seize - to grasp or take hold of something

  • Sewage - bodily waste

    Sewerage - the drainage system

  • Sight - the power of seeing, the action of seeing someone or something, a place of interest

    Site - an area of ground, a place where an event is occuring

  • Sort - a category of things with a common feature

    Sought - past participle of seek

  • stationary - not moving

    stationery - writing materials

  • stair - something to climb

    stare - a look that endures

  • Storey - one level of a building

    Story - an account of real or imaginary people and events told for entertainment

  • straight - not having a bend or curve

    strait - a narrow body of water between two land masses

  • Their - the possessive form of 'they'

    They're - the contraction of 'they are'

    There - a place, eg. 'Over there'

  • time - the passage of existence, measured in seconds, minutes, hours etc

    thyme - a culinery herb

  • Toe - a digit on the foot

    Tow - to use a vehicle to pull another along

  • Two - one more than one, one less than three

    too - as well

    to - expressing a direction

  • Tortuous - full of twists and turns; lengthy and complex

    Torturous - characterized by pain or suffering

  • vale - a poetic valley

    veil - a scarf worn over the face

  • Wait - take some time

    Weight - property of an object that makes it heavy

  • waist - a slimming at the middle of the trunk or body

    waste - to use up or spend without getting true worth or benefit

  • Ware - things offered for sale

    wear - to have clothing on one's body

  • Your - the possessive form of 'you'

    You're - the contraction of 'you are'

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