This is a Journal entry by Websailor

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 1


i can't believe how long it is since I wrote a journal entry! Part of the reason was that I got myself cut off from this page and only had entry by my original PS. Put it down to a smiley - senior moment smiley - rofl and I have plenty of those.

A big ‘Hello” and *wave* to anyone I haven’t *seen* for a while.

However, I am back in my rightful place again which is lovely. As my friends will know I have been a bit busy with my badger thread and writing articles for smiley - thepost both of which I enjoy immensely. On top of that I spend time morning and night feeding birds, squirrels, badgers and foxes, and sometimes stay up half the night watching the nocturnal activity. That, of course, may contribute to the smiley - senior moments smiley - doh

For some time now I have also been mastering the intricacies of a new computer and broadband, which I have to say is a total joy.smiley - biggrin Having struggled for seven years with 'elderly' but still functioning computers this is heaven.

smiley - biro There is one major drawback though. I promised PHM (my other half) that with this swanky new one I could get twice as much done in half the time, so I wouldn’t be online nearly so much smiley - tongueincheeksmiley - laugh.

Well of course, you’ve guessed it, I am addicted, and have to force myself not to go near it till the chores have been done, or the day (and night) disappears in a puff of smiley - steam.

It is frightening how quickly we get hooked isn’t it? Despite some of the derogatory comments about h2g2 made by long terms members I still think it is a wonderful site with a lot to offer,and it would be seriously badly missed by a lot of people if it went.

Some us have too much RL happening to do more than we do at present, even when we wish to, and being made to feel guilty is not the way to encourage more people to get involved. I certainly couldn’t take on any more as I don’t like being unreliable and I probably would be if I attempted to do more.

Now I am in the fast lane smiley - rofl I hope to explore more of h2g2, something which just wasn’t possible before. Ishall have to ration mself though or PHM will be pulling the plug!!

I hope not to leave it so long before I write another journal but RL being what it is, you never know.

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 2


Hi WS, Yes I know what you mean, I have been looking after Mk2 for the past 3 weeks, cooking, cleaning and all the rest of the domestic jobssmiley - erm I have been popping in every night just to see whats happening, but not seems to be going on at all on my page?
I heard about that Saga Zone site for us "silver surfers" and had a look in, it was a lot bigger than I thought and it gets confusing while looking round it.
Anyway, glad you are still going with your page as well as smiley - thepost which I have kept writing in myselfsmiley - oksmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 3


Glad to 'see' you somewhere new WS! Smudger - where is this saga site?

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 4



Trying to write this with Yodasmiley - cat on my lap combined with ancient computer, combined with Severe Guilt over : not washed the dishes, wasted several rare daylight hours furtin around on here & reading interesting stuff, but not actually contributing comments, i should have made candles or gone shopping...oh, i know what you mean.smiley - hug

It's an odd type of site really, mainly because it seems to be populated by odd type of people, which is the main attraction....

I do think many of us do a lot more lurking than squeaking a lot of the time & that may well be down to "oh gawd; i totally understand, but it would take me so long to explain & meanwhile the plants need water, the cat needs feeding, haven't spoken to the parrot today...gaaargh, also i have no clean underwear & a visit to the Doctor tomorrow..." It ends up that even a smiley - smiley means something, means somebody cared enough to take note, though they may not be in a state to be able to comment at that point.

H2g2 *is* a community; & like all communities it will go through "stages/phases" of inactivity, anarchy,solidarity....the main thing is "it is here"; for me, it's rather like the Olde Village Greene Pub; if all else fails (which it often does!) you can say "oh; sod this for a game of marbles; i'm going out for a pint!" & have a mutual moan & then a laugh about life with your mates. Quite often, they're not "close" mates; most folks wouldn't discuss "heavy" topics with people they don't know that well (who knows: if you were crying over your cat dying; maybe this person just had a whole herd of pedigreesmiley - sheep slaughtered because of BSE regs? Whatever...)

I do think "cliques", for want of a better term; do form; it's as in RL; folks who have stuff in common, so can empathise. If you have any sort of "disability" for starters; you will immediately realise what "non-disabled" people don't; that absolutely everything takes at least twice as much effort, so to do anything at all is actually pretty good.
smiley - applause for anyone posting on here who has to try Really Hard to Do That.

That goes for physical AND emotional "disability"..........;garrrgh; someone show me a totally "Able" person?

Anyway, good to see you're back & with a Shiny Happy Computer & Bored Band now!!!smiley - biggrin....just you wait, as soon as your Missus cottons on, it will be takeaways & take turns on the Beast!smiley - winkeye


It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 5

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

To boldly go, where no Webbie has gone beforesmiley - smiley

ahead warp factor 5 - engage!smiley - biggrin

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 6


Klingons on the starboard *bow*.

Beam me up Scotty....oh; he did. So now i'm up here, what am i supposed to do?

I missed the e off of "here"; possible offence; thank Badness for Preview. One could arrive on a planet & assume it is a plant because of mistaking vowels for bowels. Imagine????? mars? barred!

I just spent an hour trying to register for a site to tell me if i am insane. They kept saying my login name is not Alphanumeric. i don't understand, so i presume this means i am insane.

Alzheimers, computer illiteracy & french keyboard & PC = Stranger in very Strange Land.

i am so cold & scared to take these new meds & scared not to


It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 7


I totally agree about the addiction of the web. It can delay so many things smiley - yikes But in its favour, h2g2 in particular is a wonderful way to reflect on RL from time to time - as well as to escape occasionally.

It sounds as though many of us share the same problem - how to balance computer time with RL time / jobs smiley - cdouble I look forward to logging on and seeing who's saying what on hootoo, in a way that I just don't feel about the ironing smiley - laugh

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 8


Hi, Terri,

Just to clear something up re. this bit:

<<Anyway, good to see you're back & with a Shiny Happy Computer & Bored Band now!!! ....just you wait, as soon as your Missus cottons on, it will be takeaways & take turns on the Beast!>>>

Well, I am the Missus, and PHM take turns on the beast? Not likely, he runs a mile, at least he would if he didn't have emphysema, asthma and chronic bronchitis smiley - biggrin So you see why I understand what you mean about (dis)abled people, and anyway I have arthritis so lots of things are a struggle. Everything does take longer, and for me my time on h2g2 is my rest and relaxation. I don't want it to become a chore, making me feel guilty if I don't do it.

My life seems to be spent doing things, all the time thinking I should be doing something else, or at least wanting to do something else.

I agree, show me someone who is completely *abled* in mind and body and maybe they haven't lived enough to get scars smiley - smiley On a down day I read other posts and count my smiley - goodlucksmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - starsmiley - doh

Back shortly when I will put up a post on the badger thread (My heart's still thumping, for those that don't know. But you see I have other things which must be done first!!

Frenchbean, I actually like ironing as I can listen to music and watch the birds, but now I can't stand still long enough smiley - doh but I know what you mean.

Websailorsmiley - dragon

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 9


Lovely to "see" you elsewhere WSsmiley - hug!!
I just have to add my bit,I'd be lost without H2G2,it's my social life.I spend a lot of time alone,and my four walls can get pretty boring,so my daily chats in here,and my daily smiley - lurk when i have nothing to add to posts,are very important to me.
If it wasn't for the people that are kind enough to share their experiences ,life here would be even more lonely!smiley - laughsmiley - applause

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 10



I think you speak for a lot of people there. My life is restricted too and I really appreciate the friends I have made here. People seem to have more time for each other here than in RL.

Talk again soon. I have some polishing to do, of the smiley - biro kind, while the Sunday lunch is cooking itself smiley - dohsmiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 11


You're right thereWS,but i think that we say a lot of things in here that we wouldn't say "face to face"with others,because it's easier not to get emotional if we're writing it down!!
It doesn't mean that we don't get emotionalabout other peoples problems/worries/sadness,just that we can be more open about our own problems!!If that makes any sensesmiley - doh
Enjoy your lunch,i'm sure you'll have to give it a bit of timesmiley - laugh!!

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 12

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

I personally, have made many a close friend on hootoo smiley - smiley
even those who I have NOT met yet,are still as close as any in real life circles.

If I don't use my PC for anything else, I'm not ditching here, for love nor moneysmiley - smiley

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 13


Quote: " Glad to 'see' you somewhere new WS! Smudger - where is this saga site?"

Hi Scorpio, just type Saga Zone into Google and you will find itsmiley - ok
smiley - cheersSmudger.

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 14

Nigel *ACE*

Hello, Websailer ,

Good Journal smiley - ok. When I had to retire from work a few years ago because of illness, I thought my life was over, 26 and retired smiley - grr. I felt lonely, isolated and was on the brink of another nervous breakdown.

I met you Websailer, one day up the road, and you suggested this site which has turned my life around smiley - smiley.

I can write, share my knowledge and socialise with people of all ages which has been brilliant smiley - biggrin. It is a real lifeline for me and the people on here has helped me through bad times and we have enjoyed the good.

smiley - cheers


It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 15


Hi youngsuper, we have something in common then, as I was "retired" from work early at the age of 50, after an accident when I was in the ambulance servicesmiley - erm I felt just the way you did, then I got my first computer four years ago and found this site.smiley - ok

I have since been writing for smiley - thepost after a couple of my posts on the forum page got noticed, and I have writing away ever sincesmiley - cool

I still get the odd bad day, when the back pain gets a bit too much, but then I just think of the good onessmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 16


Hiya "you lot"; no time to say much, i have Doc appointment today; which is very important, then Social Worker later, shopping in between "Yoda she say Hung Wee Cat Wait for No Man", or woman, sorry i got your gender wrong WS....actually, that's one of the good things about "online"; we are all just humans, only need to discuss whether we are male or female if we wish/it is relevant.

Animal; i sent you long email earlier, please confirm if it arrivedsmiley - ta

Welcome Nigel, Super Person!!!!smiley - biggrin

Hah; as to Ironing, i can beat you all. I Hate it but did All the Heap today simply to get free heat whilst feeling virtuous. I bet there is a patron saint of Ironingsmiley - rolleyes


It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 17

WanderingAlbatross - Wing-tipping down the rollers of life's ocean.

Mornin Sailor and everyone else.

I smiley - lurk Websailor's Thumpin page to keep up with the badgers and birds. I treat Hootoo like the village pub. You call in for a quick pint and never know whether you'll bump into some locals or some strngers passing through. You can be amazed at the depth an range of knowledge and there's the occasional squabble that sometimes develops into a bit of a scrap. Then the local smiley - bluelight has to be called in to restore order, very exciting.

My philosophy is to count my blessings. I could be a very lot worse off. Even though the joints are beginning to creak I can still manage my two young Springer Spaniels. We got them last year to get me off my behind as retirement approaches.

An often heard phrase is 'Keep up the good work' but it's very true. If people don't contribute our 'Pub' will be forced into receivership and have to close.

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 18

Opticalillusion- media mynx life would be boring without hiccups

smiley - laugh I understand where you are coming from with h2g2 being addictive. I've been extremely busy myself so have ended up limiting myself to computer time. I'm concentrating on only a couple of entries at the moment and hope they soon get picked. tata 4 now smiley - bluebutterfly

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 19


I liked the pub idea WA, and you don't get drunk at the end of the evening, just cross eyed smiley - rofl

Have you got a Photo site at all. I would love a photo of your springer spaniels, they are such lovely dogs.

Joints creaking? That sounds familiar but didn't think you had reached that stage yet? smiley - biggrin

smiley - cheers

Websailor smiley - dragon

It Took Me Long Enough!

Post 20

Nigel *ACE*

Hello, Smudger and Everyone smiley - ok,

smiley - bluelight It is nice to talk to people with similar problems that I have, because it gives me the courage and confidence to get through each day smiley - ok

The Depression is quite bad some days and just lose interest in the things that I enjoy thinking, 'well whats the point'. I have never felt this way about h2g2, it is a social event for me and enjoy every minute of it smiley - biggrin.

smiley - bluelight Websailer is a very good friend to me and are very grateful for her support through my difficult and depressive times.

Its exactly right, smudger, its taking the bad days with the good. To enjoy the good and deal with the bad smiley - smiley.

Take care.
Nigel smiley - cheers

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