This is a Journal entry by Arisztid Lugosi

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 1

Arisztid Lugosi

*Looks around anxiously*

Well… I was almost afraid to come back here; I’m sure there’s a whole mountain of backlog that I should be looking through. But I’m back now!!! Or at least I think I am, its really hard to tell. RL is just so irritating the way it gets in the way of everything. But here I have some time so I thought I’d come and tell you all what’s going on with me lately and also see if I cant reply to a few posts. If you’re not interested in hearing what I’ve been up to then by all means don’t bother reading it…..

Tomorrows my first day of school. It feels absolutely horrible. I have no desire to go back at all. I feel totally ill equipped for coping with school again, but oh well. I’m about as ready as I’ll ever get. I’ve got my laptop, and all sorts of school supplies. I’ve even been down to the college to get my student card, locker, and to take a look around and get an idea of where everything is. I’m taking biology, philosophy, math, English, and anthropology. Its odd, I was always so sure that after high school you got to take the classes you wanted to take… well I guess I was wrong, otherwise I wouldn’t be taking anthropology and definitely not math. Oh well… lets just hope the math wont be too hard. But at least the first day wont be as bad as I thought it was going to be. Originally I was going to have to drive in by myself, I didn’t like that idea at all… I hate not knowing anyone. The good news is that I’m now carpooling with a friend of mine, so at least I wont have to go all alone. Last night I dreamed that I no one would talk to me, and I couldn’t make any friends…and on top of it all I had missed going to my psychology class.

This will sound very strange, but I’m so sad that I’m done work. I really loved my job, it wasn’t anything that fun really…but I loved the people that I worked with. I wish I could stay there and not go to school, but that’s not very realistic. On the bright side its not the last time that I’ll see A and L. I’ve seen them both on the weekend.
This weekend is the weekend that the fair is always on. I’ve been there every day that its been on so far. My mom has a booth there where shes telling people all about car seat safety and how important it is for children to be in car seats, and to make sure that they’re properly installed. Fortunately so far I’ve had more to do than just sit around in her booth. On Saturday A was working a booth for work, and so I baked her cookies and went to visit her on and off during the day. Yesterday was more fun. I spent most of the day with L keeping him company as the fair was very slow because it was a cold and rainy day.

As for what I’ve been up to this summer, I cant say that its been much… and at the same time it seems like I’ve been busy the whole time. To be honest I think I’ve been stuck in some kind of time warp, I haven’t a clue what I’ve been doing with most of my time. The visit to my family at the beginning was an interesting event, I didn’t enjoy it as much as I would have liked… but that’s alright, it was nice to see some of my relatives again.

Well I think I’ve taken enough of your time, and now I’m going to try and make a dent on the posts before I head off to the fair again.

I’ve missed you all! smiley - hug

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 2

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Whats anthropology?

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 3

Trin Tragula

Backlog? *Shuffles backlog under carpet with foot*

What's wrong with anthropology? Math I can understand smiley - biggrin

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 4

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I dont know until Im told what it is.

Isnt it like when you hate the world or is that misanthropy. Its important information, Im either a misanthropist or an anthropologist.

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 5


Anthrolopolgy is, as I understand it, kind of like history from a philosophical, social and cultural perspective smiley - erm?

I think it's something like that, anyway smiley - huh???

Anyway, it's good to see you back kid, hopefully I'll catch you soon smiley - cuddlesmiley - smooch! I've missed you terribly smiley - cheerup!

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 6

Ivan the Terribly Average

Yes, it's all about human society and human behaviour. A bit like hootoo, really. smiley - winkeye There probably aren't as many badgers, though.

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 7

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Ah so not like misanthropy at all.

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 8


Well glad you're back, Arisz!! Have some smiley - tea and smiley - cake to celebrate!!

So how's school?

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 9

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Dont let me drink coffee, its what I can get for 35p in school and ive had soooo much!

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 10


Just make sure it's de-caff.

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 11

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I would but it's from the machines and they arent brilliant for conversation.

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 12


There's a lot of truth in that statement.

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 13


I think I've been living in your time warp,the summer hols went so quickly!

Hope school's treated you wellsmiley - smiley

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 14

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Its strange how a new school can completely twist your outlook on things.

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 15


School has a habit of doing that to you.

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 16

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

Enlgish Lit and RS which I hated last year have become near my top subjects and History which I loved last year is probably my least favourite. Weird.

I blame the coffee.

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 17

Arisztid Lugosi

oh dear me.... my first week was so stressful!!! i'm about to start a new journal entry on it and tell you all about it.
its so good to be back!! i'm sorry i havent been on this week. schools been crazy...or at least it feels that way for me. i just have to get used to it.

you're right, thats what anthropology is... its my least favorite subject so far... but that could well change.

ok, time for a quick journal entrysmiley - run

smiley - hugs and smiley - cheesecake for all!

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 18

Mr. X ---> "Be excellent to each other. And party on, dudes!"

Thought Anthropology was the study of ancient cultures. Kind of interesting. Why do you have to take it?

smiley - boing

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 19

Lord Job Boron. That's Lord Job Boron To You!

I like RS, we do philosophy. Theres an anthropology section in either cosmology or metaphysics...

Or something.

And I'm back..... I hope...

Post 20


Metaphysics......smiley - erm

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