This is a Journal entry by Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

Back to school

Post 1

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

Yay! I start school again tomorrow. What fun. So I was doing all the typical day before school stuff today, finishing summer assignments (still have one biology question left), packing up my backpack, etc. I put new strings on the violin that will live at school all year, as we figured out that the current ones were two years old! And because this was the first time I'd change the strings on it, and because I was changing them to Domanants (tomastick dominant, the string of choice of almost everyone I know, excellent student string, although many of them use a non-dominant e string), which have a particularly wide winding at the ball end of the string, they didn't (d and g) fit in the fine tuner at all. So I could have just taken the tuners out, but we don't have long to tune in orchestra (oh, maybe 30 seconds), which means that they're almost a necessity. So Jen sits down today with a metal file to make the fine tuners wide enough to hold the strings. Hey, it worked. (but not until after I shredded the winding on the d string. Easily fixed, though, with superglue, or nailpolish, if you're like me and can't use superglue without getting it all over your fingers)
For summer reading I read...Ethan Frome (actually not that bad. In fact, it was very good, and suspensful.) and THHGTTG. Do you honestly think I could refuse if it was an option?
Other reading included The Taming of the Shrew, The Merchant of Venice, Roanoake (yes E, I finished it and intend to remember to bring it camping), The Things They Carried, For Whom the Bell Tolls, History With a Twist (Nova Scotian history stories), Life how short, Eternity how long (about gravestone carvers in nova scotia), Animal Dreams, Flatland, Sphereland, and probably some others. And naturally, I reread all of DNA, except Meaning of Liff/Deeper Meaning... because I haven't got a copy, and Terry Jones's book Douglas Adams's Starship Titanic, because I leant that to Renee. Also about half of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintaninece (that's what I'm reading now). Next up: One Hundred Years of Solitude -or- Hamlet -or- Bless me Ultima. (or maybe something else.)
Anybody read any of these? What did you think?

I hope everyone had a great summer/will continue to have a great summer. As for me, it's off to school in the morning, which may actually be fun. At this point, I just want to know my schedual. (purely because of the fact that my schedual has my lunch period on it, which I do not know yet. Then I will know if my lunch starts at 10:30, 12:30, or somewhere in between. The classes I'm taking aren't quite of that much interest, although I do want to know when they are too)
Jennifer, missing, presumed fed.

Back to school

Post 2


i don't think you can get the meaning of liff in bookstores anymore... well, not in the normal ones anyway. i got mine in perth!!! at a store that specializes in science fiction paraphernalia, and which had loads of *really* old stuff. i'd offer to feed it to you page by page, only it wouldn't be half as fun because the illos are really something to see...

Back to school

Post 3

Patron Saint of Kittens... aka Pantherlady THE Werepanther of h2g2 and Queen of BBNs

you start back tomorrow? isnt that abit early? Im not back until next week!

Back to school

Post 4

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

It's a bit early, but many schools in my state start tomorrow or wibble. Only a few start next week (after labor day), although that used to be the norm. We'll be leaving early this year and probably coming back a week late next fall because of a construction project at my school. It is shaped like a U, with classrooms on the L and gym/office/auditorium/chorus/band rooms on the other side. They are closing off the quad, mainly with new science labs and art rooms, also some regular classrooms as well. Most of the work will be done during this year (outside the building work) and next summer (inside the building work). They started this summer, took out all the ceilings (! but at least painted the ductwork so it looks nice and clean) and some other stuff.

So, schedual looks like this:
1. french (same teacher as last year, so I'm annoyed, because she said we'd have someone else, and I was looking forward to the new teacher)
2. algebra II (class of 34 because budget cuts took out one honors alg 2 section. which leaves only one. principal currently trying to remedy the situation)
3. AP bio (trying to cram necessary bio and chem background (ap bio is usually taken after chem and a year of regular bio) into the curriculm before AP exam in May)
4. lab/gym/studyhall (lab 2 days/week. gym 2 days/week. study 1 day/week)
5. english (American Lit. fun. and PSAT/SAT prep, vocab-wise)
6. LUNCH! (not much to say here. This means I eat lunch at a decent hour, but I'm not sure when that is)
7. social studies (1 semester world civ, ca 1500-present, 1 semester american history. today we talked about what is history, looked at quotes. Marx says history is all about class struggle. Does anybody besides me find that a somewhat typical response for him?smiley - winkeye)
8. orchestra (nothing new here. Except we have only 3 violas now)

BTW Farlander, Hannah, re: Bartok. I have a new email, so I'll send it to you at some point in the next week.

Back to school

Post 5

arwen, doing nasty essays. being a student should *not* involve work!

what was flatlans like? i got a copy for my bday, but i havent read it yet. the deeper meaning of liff is great, i got mine at a scifi store as well. i don't have starship titanic tho, or last chance to see.
jen-don't send to my old email-i have extensive filters there, and a new address wont get thru. send to [email protected]

Back to school

Post 6

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)


Back to school

Post 7

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

Flatland is very good. I read it in January for geometry class.
Later bought double flatland/sphereland edition, and read both this summer.
Sphereland is better.

Back to school

Post 8


it's too bad none of you told me earlier you were looking for starship titanic! there was this massive book sale a couple of months ago - and they had like tons of copies of titanic going for... what's the conversion rate now... something like less than one us dollar.

(i got mine at perth, though, at the same shop i got liff smiley - erm)

Back to school

Post 9

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)


Back to school

Post 10

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

what? that's always been my name. Or were you implying something else?

I just found out that I can get Meaning/deeper meaning of Liff from amazon uk for less than anything here-including shipping, which will total to about 10 pounds.

Back to school

Post 11

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

It means I'm trying to get your attention.

Back to school

Post 12

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

'kay. I'm listening.

Back to school

Post 13

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

I noticed that you're online quite often but you haven't posted to my conversations. Why?smiley - smiley

Back to school

Post 14

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

No idea, really. Nothing much to say (and even though it seems like I'm on a lot, I'm mainly reading and my posting has been to only a few conversations.)
But if you want I'll come over and try to think of something to post. (WARNING: may not be coherent or even relavent.smiley - winkeye)

Back to school

Post 15

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

How about posting to what I've said to you?

Back to school

Post 16

Viojen 2*16+1+3+6=42. Fencing-it's escrime!

you mean like this?

I'd love to stay and chat, but I still have homework to do...(it's not quite 5 here, so I'm not techinically on leisure time yet)

Back to school

Post 17

Atari - Tok'ra (With my symbiote Jullinar)

Like on all the conversations we have.smiley - winkeye

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