This is a Journal entry by Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 41



Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 42

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*sulks* shouldn't you be in church?

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 43


I have an hour before I have to leave. the service isn't untill 10.30.

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 44

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail


Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 45


Hehe. You wanted to gte rid of me didn't you?!

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 46

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail


*looks innocent*

would I do a thing like that?

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 47



Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 48

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

I would not *pouts*

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 49



Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 50

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*dances* do you know how hot it is in Doncaster?

55 degrees

and do you know how hot it is in cambridge?

50 degrees!


smiley - nahnah

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 51


I have sun burn.

i dont care how hot it is

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 52

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

because you stayed out in the sun too long silly girl

Did you go to the boat race?

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 53


Nope. I was by the river in Granchester.
I'm not that fussed about the boat race. I dont go to either university

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 54

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

neither do I but I still watch it

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 55


I would watch it if nothing else was on. but I was much happier watchin the punts and reading by the river.

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 56

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

and getting sunburnt

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 57


No chance of sunburn here, it's 41F and raining.

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 58

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

it's 63 F here smiley - cool

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 59


smiley - erm I think it was in the 50s here... I didn't go outside other than when we went to my mom's for dinner.. I'm still smiley - ill

Cal's Journal: An eventful Day

Post 60

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - biggrin still keeping you quiet then smiley - winkeye

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