This is a Journal entry by Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

Cal's Waiting room

Post 1

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - bluelightWARNING: there is no point to this journal what so ever smiley - bluelight

Seem to be spending a lot of time just lately either in waiting rooms or just generally waiting smiley - erm *looks at his watch*

Doctor's waiting room
Dentist waiting room
Hospital waiting room
waiting in traffic Jams (all the roads in Doncaster or at least the ones I travel on seem to have road works at the moment smiley - erm)
waiting for my dad
waiting for Scott
Waiting to ring Jack
Waiting for meetings to start

Maybe I should be a waiter smiley - laughsmiley - roflsmiley - winkeye

And so because of this I have now become a clock watcher, *sighs*

*looks at it watch*

Better go or I'll be late for W**k smiley - run

Cal's Waiting room

Post 2

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Maybe we should rename you Penelope smiley - laugh

Need a hand with that Tapestry?

Cal's Waiting room

Post 3

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

*settles in and waits*

Cal's Waiting room

Post 4


*watches Cal watch the clock*

There is road destruction/construction going on here as well. The alternate routes aren't any faster, either.

Cal's Waiting room

Post 5

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

and I stepped in a really deep puddle that didn't look deep but came up to my shins smiley - erm I got soaked

Cal's Waiting room

Post 6


smiley - towel Were you wearing jeans or a suit?

Cal's Waiting room

Post 7

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

And on a Thursday? International Stripey Sock Day? Oh lordy, ... the lines (not queues) that must have been crossed ...

Cal's Waiting room

Post 8

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail


armarni smiley - sadface I somehow think he never designed stuff for English wet weather wading

Cal's Waiting room

Post 9


Oh, that's so much worse.

I have been caught in the rain a couple of times this week, but I was wearing jeans and t shirts.

Cal's Waiting room

Post 10


All day yesterday was drippy.. I had resigned myself to multiple showers that day so simply shrugged and slogged from car to building to car.. smiley - erm I looked like a half-drowned irish setter.. smiley - bigeyes but at least I wasn't wearing an Armani suit..

Cal's Waiting room

Post 11

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

maybe I should buy my next suit from burtons

Cal's Waiting room

Post 12


They make waterproof suits?

Cal's Waiting room

Post 13

Bulletproof Cupid~

Waiting in any form does seem to be a long standing english tradition. Thats why we enjoy ques so much smiley - ok

Cal's Waiting room

Post 14

Lighthousegirl - back on board

I have done lots of waiting this week too - and none of it at tables smiley - winkeye

Worked in Portugal this week - getting there involved even more waiting that I normally do in traffic jams ... Waiting to check in (over an hour), waiting at security (without shoes on), waiting at the gate (stood in line), waiting in the bus to the plane, waiting to take off, waiting for my luggage etc. Once I got the the venue I dont think I stopped for more than 4 hours each day before the list of waits on the way home.

I prefer waiting in my car as at least you are in some control of the environment

Cal's Waiting room

Post 15

Spacecadet Jack (Supreme Commander in Cheif) [Major]

Armani? smiley - bigeyes

*ques waiting for Cal's autograph since only famous rich people wear armani*

Cal's Waiting room

Post 16

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

*blushes and signs Jacks autograph book*

Key: Complain about this post