This is a Journal entry by friendlywithteeth

I wouldn't usually....

Post 1


...put stuff about work onsite: usually because it is very boring [and don't be deceived this time], however I find this amusing, so I'll share.

I work on a customer services desk at a major supermarket. Now, last night I had a phone call from a rather irate customer. It turns out that his lasagne: which he'd purchased from my store was wet. It was like a soup and all the sauces were mixed together etc. etc. He went in a similar vein for quite some time. I then asked him when he wanted to come in to deal with it. He said he wanted it done now, and he'd be in tonight, and he wouldn't be happy [quivering in my boots!]

So, he poles up an hour later, which is when the fun really begins! He came with his lasagnes on a couple of his plates, along with his garlic bread and his chips: it ruined his whole meal he says.

He then, gives me a list of his demands for having a wet lasagne: he wants:
6.20 for a fish and chip supper, he had to buy a replacement dinner it was so wet!
20 miles worth of petrol
30 mins worth electricity for cooking it
and a replacement lasagne et al.

This is the part where I stifle a guffaw: all this for a wet lasagne! I told him that I'd got to go talk to a manager to see what I could do: I deliberately chose one with a sense of humour! We then had a chat, and I told her what I was going to do...and she agreed.

I then went back to him and offered his money back on the lasagne, and to do a product report on it, so it could be resolved directly from Head Office. This seemed to settle him a bit: obviously the hint of a couple of gift vouchers was peaking his interest! Through a minor miracle of tact and diplomacy, I managed for him to walk away with only four pounds: all without getting a manager involved.

I then went round into our little room and burst out laughing!

I wouldn't usually....

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

good on you!

there is whole thread about this kind of behavior

I wouldn't usually....

Post 3

Existential Elevator

smiley - laugh

I wouldn't usually....

Post 4


Don't you just love working with the public? smiley - biggrin

We are discarding books that aren't circulating rather than move them into a temporary building than back out again. A local businessman likes to buy library discards because they're cheap then sell them on E-bay. Yesterday he informed me that his customers didn't like the word "DISCARD" stamped on the inside of the books and asked if I couldn't be more considerate and not stamp them or call him and let him pick out the ones he wanted and then stamp them. He also wondered if I could give him a discount! We charge 25 cents for hard cover books and 10 cents for paperbacks. And he wants a discount!

Don't worry, I was polite. smiley - winkeye

I wouldn't usually....

Post 5


Glad to hear it smiley - ok

I wouldn't usually....

Post 6

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

I'd have given him a -100% discount smiley - winkeye

-- DoctorMO --

I wouldn't usually....

Post 7


Public? Don't talk to me about the public! Basil Fawlty mode kicks in at least a dozen times a day. Staff suggest I have zip put in mouth and they have only key to padlock. I find wearing my Basil Fawlty jacket and banging head on wall far more satisfying...lose customers by the coachload but they generally return and with better manners! Mmmm feel a spot of ranting coming on...and almost two weeks to prepare!
Take care

I wouldn't usually....

Post 8


Public!? Tell me about it! When they are sobar all over you like a rash when your called out on a 999 to their house. Then when drunk in the pub they get all stroppy and try to stop you giving treatment to the people they were fighting with in the car park??smiley - erm
smiley - cheersSmudger.

I wouldn't usually....

Post 9

The Rogue aka Phoniex

i wouldnt be able to keep a straight face

I wouldn't usually....

Post 10


Hi Arwen,Theres one commodity that Joe public will never stop supplying,........Surprisessmiley - laughsmiley - coolsmiley - winkeye
smiley - cheersSmudger.

I wouldn't usually....

Post 11

The Rogue aka Phoniex

normally unpleasant

I wouldn't usually....

Post 12



I wouldn't usually....

Post 13

The Rogue aka Phoniex


I wouldn't usually....

Post 14


A gogo.

I wouldn't usually....

Post 15


Whitewashing Zimbabwe? Couldn't that have been phrased a tad better?

smiley - erm

I wouldn't usually....

Post 16


Hmm, does seem rather tactless, doesn't it? It was sweeping zimbabwe, then Pandora pointed out it sounded like I was sending a team of england cricketers to africa with brooms, and wondered how long it would take them...

I wouldn't usually....

Post 17


Well it wasn't tactless from my point of view: I know what a witty self-effacing DD-esque chap you are, but just wondering if ye had noticed.

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