This is a Journal entry by Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

You know it's a bad day.....until I met you, now its great

Post 301

Lash LeRue

Thare is nothing like a well nurtured argument.

You know it's a bad day.....until I met you, now its great

Post 302

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

That's true

You know it's a bad day.....until I met you, now its great

Post 303

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

no it isn't/yes it is!smiley - runsmiley - winkeye

You know it's a bad day.....until I met you, now its great

Post 304

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - laugh

You know it's a bad day.....until I met you, now its great

Post 305


happy easter!

You know it's a bad day.....until I met you, now its great

Post 306

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Happy Easter all

You know it's a bad day.....until I met you, now its great

Post 307


smiley - biggrin

You know it's a bad day.....

Post 308


My wife fell over and broke a rib. A visit to the hospital and a list of drugs costing $100. Fatima ends uupp really ill. Take nothing. The only way to cure cracked ribs is to stop brezthing for three weeks.

You know it's a bad day.....

Post 309

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

The Ribs actually mended now so coughing and sneezing doesn't hurt anymore

You know it's a bad day.....

Post 310


Stop smoking?????

You know it's a bad day.....

Post 311

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Never smoked in my life, it's weird cos everytime I got to the docs about my cough he asks my if I smoke

You know it's a bad day.....

Post 312


Maybe take up smoking - or is that against, house rules;
Actually I do smoke - Moroccan black tobacco. One day -ONE DAY - the truth will come out. The peddlers of the stuff add chemicals not just to make it addictive but carcinogenic. Americans have just bought Morocco’s tobacco business. Black tobacco will be off the market within two years. I do not advocate smoking and when I can’t buy the cheap weed - I will stop. Time will out

You know it's a bad day.....

Post 313


i smoke smiley - blush

but im determined to quit.

but not when i walk in the shop because ive run out out of habit smiley - laugh

You know it's a bad day.....

Post 314


My father was a priest.
In Bedfordshire, the 'laundry' - 'dry cleaning' operated out of the pub.
After the due process, papa's cassock arrived home with the note
"For Cleaning – Vicar’s dirty habit"

smiley - cheers

You know it's a bad day.....

Post 315


smiley - laugh

You know it's a bad day.....

Post 316


Well that seems to have explored that argument in full.smiley - cheers

You know it's a bad day.....

Post 317

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I do not want to smoke, but if others want to I don't mind

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