This is a Journal entry by Evangeline

Good thing that wasn't urgent

Post 21

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ah right, I get the picture...good to hear things are "on track" again though!

Good thing that wasn't urgent

Post 22

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Choo! Choo!

smiley - bussmiley - bussmiley - bussmiley - bus

Good thing that wasn't urgent

Post 23


I fell asleep in the recliner watching Boone and Crockett(another documentary) last night. I was so sleepy I went to bed about 10:00, only to wake up at 3:00 and not really able to get back to sleep.

Do you order books from a particular supplier or several publishers?
smiley - smiley

Good thing that wasn't urgent

Post 24

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

You must've needed the sleep Evangeline...I'm sure you probably need a nap now though. I'm looking forward to the upcoming 'Alamo' a way. From the historical perspective, but at the same time hoping it's not too "Hollywood-ized"/sensationalized. smiley - winkeye

Good thing that wasn't urgent

Post 25


I'm awake at the moment and making a cup of smiley - tea so I can stay awake until the usual bedtime.

"Alamo" looks to be an interesting movie. Band of Brothers is going to be on the history channel April 11. It has been highly recommended, by my brother. So, I plan on at least giving it a try. We really aren't that violent... it's the history part that is interesting. Don't get me started on history. smiley - winkeye
smiley - smiley

Good thing that wasn't urgent

Post 26

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Rigght, suffice it to say "if we don't know where we've been, how will we know where we're going?" smiley - winkeye

Good thing that wasn't urgent

Post 27


*at the risk of sounding much older than my actual age*

Dad, and nine of my uncles were WWII veterans. I've heard some of their stories. Dad wouldn't say much about being in the Army. He probably figured that as a teenager, I was too young to hear about it. He died when I was 17.

One of my first internet projects was to search for his unit and any information about where they had fought. Struck gold, with a official War Department report online. From there it was fairly easy to gather some other information. Burned it all to cds, and made copies for both brothers, and a couple of cousins. That in turn, inspired my cousins to do the same about their fathers. Next project was scanning old family pictures and making family photo cds.
smiley - smiley

Good thing that wasn't urgent

Post 28

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

My father was so late in getting into the armed services that the war was over before he got a chance to be sent overseas. So, he has no real war stories to tell. smiley - sadface I remember that he had a couple of old army blankets, but I think they're long gone by now. smiley - erm

My father was born in 1920. When he was a little boy, he would go to family reunions and meet some great-uncles who had fought in the Civil War. He and his brother are the last surviving family members that ever met Civil War veterans.

Good thing that wasn't urgent

Post 29


Dad was born in 1920 or 1921. No written records, and he was too young to remember smiley - winkeye. He was drafted in 1943 (twice). My brother has the official Army discharge papers. I read them years ago. Dad was a sergeant (E-5) on Omaha Beach, landed on the second wave (the war department report says what time his company landed, casualty rate, and location). We have a list of the rest of his tour of duty, medals etc.

My grandmother's uncles fought in the Civil War.
smiley - smiley

Good thing that wasn't urgent

Post 30

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

My contribution: Dad was born in 1923 (in the Ukraine) & came here with his parents in '29. I should try doing some research, but he spent some time (I assume both before & after being deployed) in The U.K., as well as north Africa, Italy (talks about sleeping through an air raid on a marble floor in Rome - which I can imagine after a long day's march) & The Netherlands...not to mention guarding German P.O.W.'s back here.

Good thing that wasn't urgent

Post 31


You might find a bit of satisfaction in writing the stories you do have, so they aren't lost, as well as researching the missing pieces.
smiley - smiley
Another bit of that puzzle that came as a surprise: My dad's younger brother was a Ranger. What we didn't realize was that during the invasion on Omaha beach, Dad and his brother were only a few miles apart.

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