This is a Journal entry by Pandora...Born Again Tart

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 81

Anastasia,bedfluff, keeper of Poking sticks

wowsmiley - wah thanks pan I'm so moved.....will go add it to My name
wanders off all proud likesmiley - laugh and hands yer aftersun lotion
Anasmiley - biggrin

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 82

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - illThanks! I needed that! smiley - biggrin...*pours the lotion over her head to start the process of mking the part in her head less glaring...*

smiley - laughForgot today was/is Sunday. Which smiley - cross don't mean I have ta' do a Service...cuz thasss the rules, there ARE no rules. smiley - zen

smiley - biggrin Okie-dokie the Services of The Born Again Tarts shall commence. *ahem* Today we welcom a fresh tart. I'm not sure from where she popped, but that makes her a pop tartsmiley - biggrin And if you notice her initials, she's perfect for this Church. A. B.A.T.smiley - ok
I'm unsure where ALL the other BATs have gotten to and it matters not...I do have a thought for when you print your own pamphlets to chase the Bible Thumpers back to their cars...let's see...checks her note pad...smiley - biggrin don't leave home with out one...
smiley - ermOne what? smiley - blushMust have written down tht piece of advice whilst in my cups. smiley - biggrin ...*thinks for several minutes...* smiley - bigeyes

smiley - bigeyes Wha'?

smiley - biggrin Oh yes...get to the point! smiley - biggrin Always leave home 'WITH' (write this down, if could mean the difference of coming hom ewith the same amount of money you went out with and coming home with your pocket book stuff-a-lated...get yourselves a *nice* hat that you can wad up and stick into your can NEVER be TOO ready for the every popular strip tease: 'Leave Your Hat On'. ...*pops top hat out and smiley - wizard makes a pole appear...*
smiley - biggrin can never tel when you'll be needing a hat. smiley - biggrin
Oh yes...and get one of those machine thingies that takes credit cards. smiley - bigeyes

Well, that's it for now B.A.T.s...I got me a man juss walked into the place...*sets out collection plate...*~~~~~~~~~~~~smiley - run

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 83

Anastasia,bedfluff, keeper of Poking sticks

settles down to read and learn...and listen to the sermon...humm read it once dont understand it has a fewsmiley - stiffdrink....ahh now I see it makes perfect sence smiley - laugh
Anasmiley - biggrin

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 84

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - cheersThasssss what I'm talkin' 'bout sister! smiley - drunksmiley - cool

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 85

Candi - now 42!

Of course it makes sense! Pan's posts always make perfect sense! smiley - winkeye

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 86


smiley - erm right... smiley - biggrin

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 87

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - bigeyes yep.

smiley - bigeyes What was the question? smiley - cheers

We need a slogan, a motto...a SONG!! smiley - zensumthin'. Shall we put our heads together? Ya' all ain't got lice or nothin' do ya'?smiley - biggrin

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 88

Candi - now 42!

No lice, but no ideas either......shall I come back when I've thought of something?

::walks slowly away, head hung in shame smiley - blush::

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 89


*blink, blink* smiley - bigeyes

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 90

Anastasia,bedfluff, keeper of Poking sticks

Hey I've found a terrific thing..recently got hit over the back of the head at work ....long story dont ask...anyway the result of said head injury means damage to nerve on the back of My head...dont worry I'm fine off work but having fun,.anyway the result of injury means every so often my right eye closes giving the impression I'm winkingsmiley - winkeye...this is working so well and getting me started in many conversations with gentlemen I'm thinking of not visiting the neurologist coz I'm kinda enjoying the after effectssmiley - biggrin...ok I know it's a silly thing but hey that me!!smiley - biggrinsmiley - winkeye..goes back to studying more on how to be a born again tartsmiley - winkeye
Anasmiley - winkeyesmiley - biggrin
p.s is working on a slogan but isnt too clever so will still be trying to think of one long after you all havesmiley - biggrin

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 91

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - ermHow nice for you Dear. smiley - whistle
Look what I can do!
smiley - football
smiley - cheers

smiley - biggrin Oh, and jusss one more little thingie before I toddle off to bed before the second shifters begin to arrive...smiley - bigeyes
Ana...try not to use the *W* word so much! smiley - headhurts Some of us have none, others have too much and yet others haven't a clue what it it like 'this' Hon...*ahem*, "w*rk." smiley - biggrin There, now... isn't that much better? smiley - sleepy...*takes tippy bottle with Johnson's Baby Valium (I have an Rxsmiley - doctor)...& lies down...*
smiley - zzz

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 92


*sees Pan sound asleep clutching her tippy bottle* smiley - bigeyes Aint she cute! smiley - erm *puts Pan's hand in a bowl of warm water and makes running water sounds* smiley - devilsmiley - biggrinsmiley - run

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 93

Anastasia,bedfluff, keeper of Poking sticks

ahh sorry my bad will shush up...

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 94

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - zzzpees the bed...likes it...

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 95

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - biggrin Welcome. Today I shall give you all a quikie. smiley - bigeyes ...smiley - bigeyesWha'?
smiley - biggrin Oh yes, the Service...a quick service...yes, well...I'd like to warn all drinking tarts... smiley - stiffdrink...stick to the same drink when on a date. smiley - biggrin Unless, of course you have mass quanities of narcotics perscribed to you by a nice doctor. And if you actually *know* your date and trust him/her...whatever floats your that person with your life. Mixing drinks is *much* worse than mixing metaphors. If you mix your metaphors it is NOT likely to lead you to awakening in the back of a 57 Chevy Truck ... in a parkinglot...needing to pee. See? smiley - bigeyessmiley - biggrin It's just what I've been told. smiley - biggrin You know, by OLDER WISER TARTS...smiley - biggrin

That concludes the Services for the week of...smiley - erm...whatever week this is...smiley - footprintssmiley - footprints...I think it's July something
...I believe it's the year 2002...I could be off a bit...smiley - footprints...smiley - biggrin
Just leave a signed blank chek in the collection the space marked:memo...write down the aprox. balance in your acct...would want to overdraw anyonesmiley - oksmiley - footprintsThanks for coming...leave suggestions in the suggestion's around here somewhere...maybe under those hats left over from last Service. ~Later b.a.t.s! smiley - smoochsmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 96


You ended up in a truck in a parking lot??? Did you still have your knickers?? A friend of mine in college used to get sozzled and misplace her knickers.. her solution to the problem was the obvious one.. she stopped wearing them.. smiley - biggrin

*looks in the collection basket and finds two rubber bands, little foil packets of water balloons and a ball of dental floss* smiley - bigeyes interesting...

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 97

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - biggrin Why inthehell do people keep asking if I wear knickers.?
smiley - bigeyes That would jusss be silly! Why keep something all warpped up when it 1.) does better in the air 2.)will soon be unwrapped anyway?

smiley - bigeyes Did *I* wake up in the back of a truck?smiley - laugh how silly! remind me when mac let's me get E's again to tell you what happened. smiley - whistle

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 98


*runs to send a reminder*

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 99

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - zenya' can't send a reminder cuz mac won't let any in...didn't I tell you 'mac' is a machine? smiley - bigeyes

Born Again Tarts-(b.a.t.s)

Post 100


I can send em... you just cant receive them.. smiley - whistle

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