This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 1

Malabarista - now with added pony

...between what must be the two most chaotic families in Germany! smiley - boing

For those who are confused: my sister was married on Saturday. There was a bit of a party, with guests from four continents. smiley - puff Nobody got much sleep this week, because a card tournament filled up all the local hotels, so we had a house stuffed full of guests and they nearly all insisted on turning up after midnight!

It started on Wednesday with my American grandparents missing a connecting flight and not getting into Hannover until eleven, which means they were here at half past one. Thursday, the bride and groom and the groom's father arrived from Berlin, also well after midnight - and I had to stay up until half past four myself to proofread the paper the Sistabarista was writing on my computer, due the next day and started the previous evening. Harrumph! We also finally moved into the new kitchen on Thursday (photos and such to follow when I get a chance), because we'd never have fit everyone in otherwise! It's nearly done, just a bit of trim, a few doors, and some paint missing.

Friday was the Polterabend party, (for those who are confused: read this A49997308) which filled the house with guests and meant a great shuffling of rooms until everyone had a bed, because it was raining and we hadn't put up the tents. At least we know that our new kitchen works wonderfully - we can get 12 people into it at two tables and *still* have room to move around! It certainly didn't help that the groom's aunt, uncle, grandmother, and cousins, who were supposed to be there by seven, actually arrived at two in the morning, because they only left Stuttgart at six and were travelling in a slow camper! smiley - doh

We'd sent the happy couple, H and J, into town to sleep at my grandmother's, so they were out of the way already. We somehow managed to get everyone fed and dressed and leave for Northeim *almost* on time, but then it turned out that the camper was even slower than we'd assumed - largely because the driver had his pet cat along and it was sitting on his lap all the way. (I did mention that the families are both quite chaotic, yes?)

We finally found the registry office with minutes to spare, and most of the friends and relatives who weren't staying with us already there - it's a fairly big hall, and since there was no church wedding, everyone came to the ceremony there. We just had time to admire the bride and groom's clothes as we went in - they'd been keeping them secret from us. (Though we did find the wedding dress a few nights before when we were looking for a dress for the Sistabarista to borrow.)

We'd feared the worst when they said they were having clothes tailored by someone who specialised in stuffed animals, but it worked! H's dress was white and pale yellow brocade in a kind of medieval/renaissance style, with long, pointed sleeves and a lace-up bodice, plus blue shoes. J was in a royal blue corduroy suit with flared trousers, plus an orange shirt and orange Chucks - it would look riduculous on anyone else, but on him, it worked! smiley - biggrin (He's about 195cm tall, very thin, and has wild curls. He looks like a young Arlo Guthrie.)

SWe got through the ceremony with much giggling, rings were exchanged and papers signed. We walked the blushing bride through the shopping district to the reception while her new husband fetched the car. smiley - laugh Everything else took place inside the Theater der Nacht, the "Theatre of the Night", a puppet theatre where my sister did her internship and now works sometimes - a converted fire station.



After smiley - bubbly, we made H and J saw through a log, though it was unfortunately quite small and well-cured *and* we forgot to bring the rusty saw and had to give them a decent one! smiley - doh They'd opened up both the café and the workshop for us, so we had an excellent buffet lunch (finally, a caterer who knew how to cook for everyone, including the vegetarians and vegans!) while the families mingled - nothing so boring as place cards for us, especially since everyone had to find a seat that fit them. smiley - laugh The café's chairs are sculptures carved from logs, and each requires a different rear end to fit it.

It was good chance to get to know the "other side" and talk to the relatives I've not seen in a while. That includes my father and his wife, whom I avoid as a general rule. Yesterday, however, my father was in an unusually good mood and letting bygones be bygones, and even if he was annoying me personally, he was actually enjoying the party and talking to my mother's side of the family. smiley - wow He even joined us in singing the song Yarreau had written for the occasion! J's parents, also divorced, were also being quite civil to one another. There was really no drama at all during the party, the only brief fight being between our dog, Corvi, and my uncle's almost-a-dog Dachshund. smiley - silly

After lunch, we passed out the wedding newspaper, another way to get people to mingle as they compared facts on the bride and groom and worked out just who the 'ads' were meant to be poking fun at. Since H and J met via a carpooling website, the little red car he drove then featured rather prominently. (A red Wartburg made of marzipan was even used for a cake topper...) When everyone was more or less done with that, we had coffee and cake - two wedding cakes and all the other cakes people brought - and then we went in to see a puppet play about witch hunters in the local mountains, which my sister had specially requested. Since the family boasts a number of translators, we even had individual interpreters for the English-speaking guests. We got a backstage tour after the piece, during which everyone got to try on some masks.

During the piece, dinner was delivered, though people were reluctant to start eating again because we were all so stuffed already. smiley - laugh Fortunately, it was just cold cuts and salads. The evening becomes slightly more blurry after that point - besides the wine, someone brought whisky, and it wasn't a good idea to have it right before vigorous dancing. smiley - whistle The theatre's house band played (Irish folk, mostly), people danced, the usual schemes for getting rich were made at the bar. (Apparently, the family and a few friends are going to make a computer game together, once we find an investor smiley - silly) Late in the evening, H and J finally opened at least a few of their gifts. Proof that the two clans were made for each other; both families were equally and honestly delighted when they got a singing saw! smiley - rofl There were a few more typical and boring wedding gifts, but mostly, people had brought homemade things - both families are rather inventive, and many work at creative jobs. smiley - magic The best one was from J's uncle - he'd carved a little red car with two wooden dolls inside. When you push the exhaust pipe, the front wheels turn in, the doors open, and the dolls turn their heads out!

Somehow, we made it to about 2am, the band's performance having turned into an open folk-jazz jam session by then. (Bagpipes and electric bass guitar go amazingly well together! smiley - laugh) When everyone was just hanging in the theatre's seats, we decided to call it a night. We left H and J to sleep in the theatre and moved the whole rest of the caravan back to our place, where there was another great redistribution of beds because we ended up with an unplanned extra guest smiley - groan We were all finally in bed (or what passes for one) by four or so...

I'm not very awake now, despite a nap - I was the odd one out and ended up sleeping on the kitchen floor, on a leaky air mattress, being woken by the endless parade of people going to the toilet in the night, and had to get up early when Yarreau came in at eight to make breakfast. One guest had to leave by nine since he had a plane to catch from Malmö, Sweden, and a long drive ahead. Nobody got much sleep, so to be honest, we were glad to get rid of most of the guests after breakfast, and then J and H, who came by to deposit some of the gifts and pick up J's father for the drive back to Berlin.

If I've forgotten anything, I'm sure Yarreau will tell you all about it. I need my sleep now smiley - sleepy

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 2


sounds like an amazing experience, Mala. I can't wait to see pictures.

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 3


smiley - bubbly It sounds like it certainly could have gone a lot worse. smiley - winkeye

Glad it went so well - and seconded on the photos!

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 4

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

What?; No Fighting between inlaws and emergency trips to A&E to get stab wounds patched up ? It doesn't sound like any wedding I've ever been too smiley - winkeyesmiley - bigeyes Sounds a lot more imaginitive than our weddings over hear which are typically boringly traditional smiley - yikes which reminds me, must find out when that wedding is i@m ment to be going to smiley - run

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 5

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Ah, so not the Fight at Finnsburg? Hurrah!smiley - biggrin

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 6

Sho - employed again!

Now that's what I call a wedding!

The groom's outfit sounds as though it was inspired by smiley - tardis - smiley - cool

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 7

aka Bel - A87832164

smiley - wow that sounds like a marvellous party. smiley - biggrin

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

What a wonderful time to read about! Thanks Malasmiley - ok

smiley - magic

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 9

loonycat - run out of fizz

Sounds like a great wedding and the venue looks smiley - wowsmiley - bubbly

Good to hear the parents and families were amicable too smiley - smiley

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 10

Milla, h2g2 Operations

smiley - boingsmiley - bubblysmiley - goodluck for the newlyweds!

Thanks for an amazing story told!

smiley - towel

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 11

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

Best of smiley - goodluck to the newly weds.

I've not been to more than a couple of large weddings. All but one ended in divorce within two years...

smiley - dragon

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 12


A grand day out by sounds of it. All the best to the newlyweds. smiley - bubbly

smiley - cat

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 13

psychocandy-moderation team leader

That does sound like a good time!! smiley - biggrin Hope you are finally catching up on your sleep!

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 14

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

smiley - applause

I'm just jealous I didn't get to gatecrash, sounds like it was pretty fab!!!

And congrats to all who left happy!

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 15


smiley - ok Excellent reading. smiley - biggrin

And smiley - goodluck to the newlyweds. smiley - biggrin

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 16

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Sounds like you all had a fabulous day! smiley - magic

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 17

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

nice! smiley - cheers

smiley - pirate

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 18

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - puff What a lot of replies!

I didn't take my camera, so no pictures from me smiley - erm but there were some other photographers around...

It wasn't even a terribly *big* party by our standards - 60 guests or so, and we have more family than that on both sides. smiley - doh Good mix of people, though.

We've almost recovered. The last guests are leaving tomorrow. smiley - laugh It was nice to walk the dog nearly alone today, I'm all socialed out smiley - winkeye

The next wedding is in September, and we'll only be going as guests, and have beds, and all smiley - zen

(Oh, and yes, Sho, he even looks like he could be Dr Who, but has never seen the series smiley - laugh)

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 19

Sho - employed again!

I definitely want to see pictures of the bride and groom!

Sounds like a fab party - our families are huge too and we never get everyone together - which is just as well, because on smiley - chef side, a wedding isn't a wedding without a punch-up.

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 20

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - laugh They never held still long enough for anything like an official photo - we don't have any group pictures, either - but here's one my grandfather took right after the ceremony smiley - smiley

Sounds like smiley - chef's family needs to wear s - you should probably state that on the invitation!

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