This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 41

Br Robyn Hoode - Navo - complete with theme tune

Aw, that's a shame, I didn't get to have a looksee. Ah well, my selfish whims shall have to admit defeat, once again, in the face of personal choice smiley - winkeye

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 42


so does that mean that we won't get to see other pics of the wedding? oh my.

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 43

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

could i interest you in a couple of pictures of a smiley - pony instead? smiley - biggrin

smiley - pirate

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 44


I've fallen for that one before, smiley - pirate....... is it a pretty smiley - pony?smiley - ok

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 45

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

yes. chestnut brown with a black mane

and eyes like a gypsy princess smiley - bigeyes

smiley - pirate

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 46

Malabarista - now with added pony

smiley - drool

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 47


smiley - drool

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 48

ismarah - fuelled by M&Ms

If anyone is going to be lured or is luring anyone with Icelandic smiley - pony it'll be me!

Email me and I'll send you my mailing address for any donated horses smiley - evilgrin

I promise to share with Mala, of course smiley - angel

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 49


how do you mail a smiley - pony? .... oh



that you'd use

the smiley - pony express!!!!!!!!!!!!!smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 50

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

I also like smiley - pony...

...sliced on my sandwiches smiley - laugh

smiley - dragon

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 51


mmm they are tasty like that.

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 52


No, that's tasteless... smiley - rolleyes

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 53

Malabarista - now with added pony

And a waste of perfectly good ponies!

I'm with ismarah. She shares!

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 54

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

it's okay to eat smiley - pony, but i can understand why some people prefer to eat other animals

once you've given an animal a name it is difficult, init? smiley - erm

my brother and sister-in-law and my beautiful niece owned a perfect fullblooded arab stallion called mustafa. or should i say he owned them? anyway, neither of us would ever be able to eat him

smiley - pirate

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 55

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

So what?

We kids named our grandparents' pigs and calves -and ate them with good appetite at Xmas after the slaughter.

It was better to know that Josefina the Pig lived a good life and she tasted much better than the anonymous pork from the food store. Those pigs most certainly lived a much more boring life and I doubt they were showed as much affection that my grandparents' livestock got.

smiley - dragon

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 56

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

you named your grandparents pigs and calves smiley - huh

didn't they get angry with you?

smiley - pirate

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 57

loonycat - run out of fizz

I have no smiley - pony or pigs to offer, just a question...

Has the bride taken all her worldly goods to her marital home or has she left some behind for you to cherish?

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 58


Plenty left here to cherish because of their teeny tiny apartment - why do you ask? smiley - cool

And thus was an alliance forged...

Post 59

loonycat - run out of fizz

Ahhh, good reason! I have one that has flown the coop too but left plenty of mementoes smiley - biggrin

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