This is a Journal entry by Malabarista - now with added pony

Family Jewels

Post 41


Hm, what about giving batteries away with a little note saying, "assault not included"? smiley - run

Family Jewels

Post 42

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

hehehe, good one too smiley - ok

smiley - pirate

Family Jewels

Post 43

Malabarista - now with added pony

In my father's case, you can say the gifts are just plain ignorance and cheapness smiley - winkeye

Family Jewels

Post 44


I think your dad is one of the special people.

Family Jewels

Post 45

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

oops, simpost!

smiley - pirate

Family Jewels

Post 46

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Perhaps your dad made that jewellery with his own little hands, and presented to his mother one important day? Which would make it doubly important for you.

I was thinking about what kind of case your father's might be. And what it may contain...

*goes back to smiley - lurkmode*

smiley - towel

Family Jewels

Post 47

Malabarista - now with added pony

Nuts. He's definitely a case containing nuts. smiley - winkeye

I asked him - there isn't a story to it at all. smiley - laugh

Family Jewels

Post 48

Milla, h2g2 Operations

smiley - headhurts *no* story. Of course...

smiley - towel

Family Jewels

Post 49


We're talking about the chap who, when his girlfriend was sick in the hospital on her 24th birthday, cheerfully told her: "Well, at least this means there will be no celebration, so I don't have to get you a present!" smiley - erm

Family Jewels

Post 50

Milla, h2g2 Operations

belated smiley - cuddle I *am* sorry for that old girlfriend...

Family Jewels

Post 51

Malabarista - now with added pony

After all, my school graduation present from him was a folding knife, fork, and spoon for camping, "So that you'll have something to eat with when you finally move out from your mother's" smiley - rofl

And for my last birthday, I got a book very subtly entitled "The Faithless Vixen" and a note complaining that I *still* get along with Yarreau smiley - winkeye

Family Jewels

Post 52


He also once gave you a rubber grasshopper for your birthday, but he never explained that one! smiley - laugh

Family Jewels

Post 53

Malabarista - now with added pony

That's more explicable. I was still at a rubber grasshopper age smiley - winkeye

Family Jewels

Post 54


I seem to have been quite lucky in my present history.
Only really odd one was a bright green scarf with matching socks. Quite why one would want ones socks to match ones scarf I still don't know.

And for worst presents a lass I knew at school got a bicycle for christmas one year. However, about 2 weeks before christmas her current bicycle went missing and their garage was off limits and smelled strongly of spray paint. She wasn't fooled (or impressed!).

Family Jewels

Post 55


killed the thread again...

Family Jewels

Post 56

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Don't think so, I've just been offline for a while...

I have the hardest time buying presents for grown ups. The ex never really got anything spectacular, I could never think of something he would really love.

And I still have a hard time getting stuff for dad. He did appreciate the gift card at the book shop though, even if I think gift cards can be quite boring...

smiley - towel

Family Jewels

Post 57


Mala, your middle sister says to count yourself lucky... she talked to him on the phone yesterday, asking what he was thinking when he sent you that lovely family heirloom as a belated Sinterklaas/Christmas gift. Since he usually sends both of your parcels on the same day, she said, "by the way, my parcel hasn't arrived yet", and he said, "that's because I didn't bother to send you one." smiley - biggrin

Family Jewels

Post 58

Milla, h2g2 Operations

smiley - erm

Family Jewels

Post 59

Malabarista - now with added pony

Before anyone thinks we're too hung up on presents - it's just a symptom of a bigger problem smiley - winkeye

Family Jewels

Post 60

Milla, h2g2 Operations

That much is obvious... smiley - hug

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