This is a Journal entry by Magrathea

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 281

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

Yes, I gathered they would be in Google Docs, I was just having a dig at the people on the committee posting unintelligible Barlesque comments while others on the same committee were requesting help with proofreading. Just struck me as ironic, that's all. I didn't mention any names but it's nice to see I can still generate the occasional state of paranoia. smiley - laugh

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 282

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

Mrs Z, are you accusing hubby of being a Barlesque poser? smiley - winkeye

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 283

Mrs Zen

smiley - smiley

So... are you going to help out with the proofreading Radox?

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 284


If you have people who would be interested Amy, I can't see why not. smiley - ok It is quite big though.

smiley - fairy

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 285

Milla, h2g2 Operations

I like your Nickname, Radox.
I must say, the proofreading bits are quite manageable! Just a few pages at the time. And makes me feel such a hero smiley - silly

smiley - towel

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 286

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

I'll give it a go. smiley - smiley (Thinking as he says it 'that will be the 2nd to last sentence spoken by mankind')
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
smiley - space
(The last will be 'What does this button do?')

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 287

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Great stuff Radox! Go here: F20154027?thread=8136894&
The last page is enough, I think, you will see which one is the latest picked up (#25, by Elentari at the moment) and just pick the next one.

You don't need to read the backlog.

smiley - towel

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 288

Mrs Zen

You do need to read the standards posts though. Basically It's the h2g2 edited entry standards, but hyphens not en dashes, and single quotes.

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 289

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

Sorry, I'll have to pass after all. I don't have MS Word in any version and my office suite won't let me save as a Word 2003 format.

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 290

Mrs Zen

That's a shame. Thanks for being willing, even though the technology glitches were too glitchy....


Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 291

RadoxTheGreen - Retired

OpenOffice is apparently not so open. smiley - sadface

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 292

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Computer technology is unfortunately much more transient than earlier forms of data storage. There are things that were printed 200 years ago on paper that can still be read. This compares with computer files from 40 or 50 years ago that are unreadable with the present generation of software. You would need to pay someone to translate from whatever software language was current then into what we have now. smiley - erm

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 293

Merely a number


The free Open Office (3.3.0) suite will allow saving as Microsoft Word 2003 XML (.xml) and this will most likely do the job. It's just further down the list well below the other Microsoft formats.

M a n

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 294

Cool Old Guy (ex-SockPuppet) Trying not to post for the next 200 days !

Cool old Guy smiley - cogs a little worried about the 'public view' of the site
"Well I have been visiting the wiki entry about h2g2 (no capitals as that is about all I managed to get done). And despite I do not like the editing policy of wiki at all, wiki is one of the standing pillars of information on the internet. As such we should be represented there and not just as an encyclopedia.

It seems the h2g2 site is not really published about in years, there is a good consensus it has an Edited Guide but that is about all I can prove.

My intention is to promote HooToo, the community aspect (or what is left of it) but I need solid evidence (academic papers about the community). Any newspaper just mentioning the HooToo community seems to lose their archive at some point. For one thing this site exists way longer then the newspaper archives extend to.

I had bad experience with ACEs before I really got the hang of the site I agree with the proposed structure of Vip and happy Nerd however they (the ACEs) should have an official status to _spam_ the site like they do! Actually I did and do smiley - boing the ACE message if the Researcher regains activity. I live in t<./>info</.>il so I see almost any conversation or entry pass by way more then any ACE would do, not a problem I can and will provide the original message with this smiley - boing

Are there any ACEs left? The entire site seems silent these days smiley - zzz.

I am also still convinced we have Google on our side as though they do not publish it their name _is_ derived from the 'Googleplex thinker' and that is somehow connected to the books smiley - towel. There could be official channels to make them give us the kind of support we need. (If there is a source of knowledge on the WEB it is the Petabyte cruncher they call Google.)

< A87853035 > Adventures on wikipedia. Please do not change the wiki Article h2g2 (H2g2 as they call it) before discussing it here, we can be better then wiki at least we still obey som form of etiquette.

I see a lot of talk about the apparently not very much appreciated Bookmarks and Subscriptions < A28647642 > 'Subscribing to users ' Created 01 November 2007 by 'The h2g2 Editors' < U284 > Currently also available in Pliny (smiley - ta Pastey).

I also wonder if we are allowed to copy the useable content from the hub to h2g2, the hub was designed as showcase for the dna engine as well as to provide some basis for the Community Editors. It is part of 'our' history.

smiley - pggb for everyone (two lemons topped off with gin in an smiley - ale glass, never get to a second,
Mantra for the day Do not drink a smiley - pggb and start writing entries they might get intoxicated smiley - winkeye) "

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 295

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"I see a lot of talk about the apparently not very much appreciated Bookmarks and Subscriptions" [Cool Old Guy]

I love those features too! smiley - smiley

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 296

Cool Old Guy (ex-SockPuppet) Trying not to post for the next 200 days !

Cool old Guy smiley - cogs inbetween gears
"Jim did not really appreciate my stand, at the time the functionality was limited. I kept a raised eyebrow at the launch (you could bookmark an entry, nothing more). Apparently Pastey managed to get it functional in Pliny smiley - ok

How about ACEs, I can see them active on the newbee list, not the following up smiley - run as supposed in this conversation.

(Hi Amy)"

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 297

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)


I've not been ACEing lately because *all* my ACEing links (including my link to the Newbie list) are on my laptop, which isn't quite up and running yet. While it has been fixed, the power cord is shot--my new one should arrive later this week. For most of the time my laptop's been out, I've been restricted to my phone. When I'm not on my phone, I'm using my husband's laptop, and I'm trying to not add stuff to his that he doesn't need.

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 298

Cool Old Guy (ex-SockPuppet) Trying not to post for the next 200 days !

Cool old Guy smiley - cogs running on three computers
"smiley - sorry to hear you are suffering hardware problems smiley - sadface

Noticed you were posting took the wild shot smiley - apple and triggered you smiley - smiley

More to the point how many are still active? I presume the ACEs as Community Assistent have a hard time. Listening on t<./>info</.>il I hear a devastating noise smiley - erm hardly anything.

Actually the games area seem to be the most active these days, even Ask does no more then a dozen postings per day. "

Magrathea's Journal - Engaging the rest of the web

Post 299

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

I'm not actually sure...

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