Adventures on wikipedia

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Why is HooToo not mentioned in the List of social networking websites or Community sites or even Social Media ?
Well they have a simple answer; give 'Reliable 3rd party sources'.
I will for now only collect these, until I do find one stating 'HooToo is a community site' or similar I will refrain from editing the page again. My last Edit cleared the bbc from the page, corrected the URLs pointing to pliny and changed any reference to h2g2 into undercasts! smiley - biggrin

I recon we, the community on HooToo, are more then wiki as we are able to cooporate as a community.

The plan is to collect suitable references.
Reliable third party sources about HooToo for wiki

Then using our own system using the Forum on the entry for comments.
Perhaps we can get some of our writers for it (not specifically me but I do volunteer).

Eventually write our own version of the page on wiki complete with the references as they require. (And
preferrable even with words as 'the' referring to their own pages apparently the soup as they want to create
referencing 'our' clubs as a local establishment where people knot together)

There is a place on wiki that is not flawed by their rules;
Perhaps we can correct that one to an acceptable level? smiley - evilgrin

Episode one

I stumbled on the h2g2 article and noticed the bad use of chapters and paragraphs. First thing I noticed ws the full past tense they used to discribe the current state. The site 'was' and Researchers 'should'. In the chapter for History was a five line part for the Italics and half a line about Clubs and societies. I expanded this to some extend. To find the other day a first level warning about not having used cites or given source. And the article was ruined to scrap again.

Episode two

After studying the references wikipedia seems to require I posted a request for help on both the gnoom who had ruined the entry in the first place as well as one to the editor who reverted my work. I explicitly invited them to the talk page for h2g2 as where I found out the 'Need a Trim' was the worst vandal. This was 19th of April and while I was rediscovering HooToo I noticed Pheloxy smiley - candle I really behaved myself concidering the anger I felt, comparing the page state, and noticing they removed the reference to the memorial service held on the DNA page.
(Only to find out after I compared some changes and pasted it to an entry it was a comparison mismatch by their system making me think it was removed, but hey, they are infallable, anyways they apear to be so.)

Episode three

After more then 48 hours the editor reverting my contribution posted to the talk page. I tried to answer them but experienced a smiley - simpost with them. little confused, glad someone prepared to help. Only to find out the other had during this simposting experience removed the h2g2 Article even further.

Episode four

After proposing several times to render the article to 'Mostly Harmless' I did not. I wrote I would 'apply the rules'. Well I did, I removed the links as if the site was part of the bbc, I removed what I saw as unreferenced material
(smiley - sorry, I had by now checked all used references and but a few unreadable not found any good nor any better on the WEB)
I had checked up the in-Universe links (dates) only to find they can not handle an update smiley - weird
Oh, yes I also created a chapter HooToo, more then encyclopedia.
Then I got my second level warning.

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