This is a Journal entry by Uncle Heavy [sic]

The state of me.

Post 121

Darth Zaphod

LOL and I look like this --> smiley - erm

DZsmiley - planet

The state of me.

Post 122

Lady Scott

No, really... I have a very round face.

The state of me.

Post 123

Shea the Sarcastic

You don't look like that, Lady Scott ... you have much more hair! smiley - winkeye

The state of me.

Post 124

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I look just like me. Except I don't anymore. When I got off the train half a month ago me da didn't recognise mesmiley - erm

The state of me.

Post 125


smiley - erm
would i recognise you then? having only met you once? smiley - erm
i look like the photos from the last winter met say i looked like, only a whole lot better of course smiley - winkeye
^. .^
= ' =

The state of me.

Post 126

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Erm...I have a bit longer hair. My fringe pokes me in the eyes. I'm growing it out you seesmiley - smiley

And no photo of me is ever good...

The state of me.

Post 127


long hair is good
i'm attempting to grow mine again
but it isn't growing very fast...
and i'll probly change my mind before it gets very long smiley - erm
^. .^
= ' =

The state of me.

Post 128

Emily...overly fond of the ellipsis...and top ten lists...submit yours @ A87824361...

I'm growing mine too

*decides to jump on the band wagon*

it's at past my shoulders when it's straight...but I've stopped wearing it straight nowsmiley - erm

someone told me that if you want your hair to grow faster you wear it up at night...dunno if it's true but the girl certainly has long hairsmiley - smiley

The state of me.

Post 129


i think you're sposed to get it trimmed every so often, or the ends wear down as fast as it's growing, or something smiley - erm
or maybe not as fast, but too fast smiley - winkeye
^. .^
= ' =

The state of me.

Post 130

Lady Scott

Actually, each strand of hair only grows for so many years before it falls out and then another one grows in it's place.

How many years is that? For some people it's only about 2 or 3 years... for others it's a lot more, which is how some women can have hair down to their ankles.

The state of me.

Post 131

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I haven't had mine cut since June and my fringe nearly reaches my mouth nowsmiley - erm And it's not very strong either- it seems to fall out all the time.

The state of me.

Post 132

cafram - in the states.

I've had mine trimmed once in three years - it's at the stage where if I straighten it, I can almost sit on it.

Mine falls out all the time, but that's been explained away by the hairdresser - everyday, a certain amount of hair falls out of *everyone's* head...because I don't brush mine (it's curly - I can't!!) the fallen out hair just hangs around, rather than coming out all at once with a brush.

The state of me.

Post 133

Lady Scott

Yeah, I lose a bunch of hair every day - but still seem to have plenty.

The state of me.

Post 134

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I only comb mine.

Okay, do you think we've scared away all the blokes yet by chatting about hair?smiley - winkeye

The state of me.

Post 135

cafram - in the states.

smiley - laugh

better than talking about beards!!

The state of me.

Post 136

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

true enoughsmiley - winkeye

You're up early! KC's never up this early!smiley - yikes

The state of me.

Post 137

cafram - in the states.

smiley - laugh it's 10am!! Lazy smiley - monster

I don't have to w*rk until 12:30, so I guess it's early for that....ugh - 9 hours of post-Christmas sales smiley - yuk

The state of me.

Post 138

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

Nicesmiley - winkeye

I may go shopping tomorrow...I need some more trousers. ATM I just have the one pair of jeans and me posh black ones to wearsmiley - erm I'm thinking of some nice coloured cordssmiley - smiley

The state of me.

Post 139

cafram - in the states.

oooh - cords are nice. atm I only have my work pants which are *filthy* and my nasty jeans. Definately need new pants! smiley - biggrin

The state of me.

Post 140

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I've tried on one pair and the flare was wider than my hips are!smiley - yikes

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