
Some facts about me.

  1. I also have a real name. I would tell you it but you have to be nice to me first. That and you then have to tell me yours (or the currency of names is uneconomic, but who said that matters?).
  2. You checked back hear to see if anything changed and were surprised that it did.
  3. Did you know I use twitter? Well I do. @darakat_awr is were you can find me.
  4. Someone people claim to know who I am, but some people claim they saw big-foot, so that explains a lot about people right there.
  5. My h2g2 page is now very neglected, life moves on


Darakats Contact Details


Twitter - @darakat_ewr

I am on Facebook, but you will have to find me if you know my Real Name.

EMAIL COMMUNICATION: Unfortunately the spambots found darakats email address when it was posted here so use darakat then @ then gmail.com as a single word and you might get a response within ten hours.


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You may contact me by screaming at the top of your lungs "DARAKAT!" if you like.


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darakat - Now with pockets!

Researcher U200300

Former Underguide Volunteer
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