How To Make an Emergency CD Case Content from the guide to life, the universe and everything

How To Make an Emergency CD Case

2 Conversations

So you need a Compact Disc (CD) or Digital Versatile Disc (DVD) case in a hurry? Have nothing but an A4 sheet of paper, the disc, a ruler and a pen? Well, you're in luck. Don't scour the house or office to look for your missing case; you might never find it. Get out your materials and follow these instructions:

  1. Use a ruler to rule along the short, horizontal sides of an A4 sheet of paper a line that is 1 inch (2.5cm) from the edge. Fold and unfold along these lines with the aid of the ruler.
  2. On the long sides rule a line that is 1.5 inches (4cm) from the edge. Fold and unfold along these lines with the aid of the ruler.
  3. Fold and unfold the sheet exactly in half. This length should be 5.8 inches (15cm).
  4. Place the CD in the space between the middle fold and the bottom fold and then fold up the bottom, sides and other half of the paper over the top of the CD, covering it. The top fold should seal the emergency case.

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