This is the Message Centre for Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hi, Mikey!

Post 101

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Ah, I figured it out. What you're looking at in the Peer Review thread isn't actually the entry. Because you were new to Peer Review, and didn't understand how things worked, you apparently copied and pasted your entry into the Peer Review thread -- that happens a lot with first timers, actually. But because it's just a forum posting and not an actual guide entry, GuideML doesn't work there. What people are looking at to actually evaluate your entry is the one where the formatting works, the real guide entry -- A969564.

Hope this helps 'splain.

smiley - cheers

Hi, Mikey!

Post 102


Hi, Mikey! I just wanted to drop you a note to say...

Thank you muchly ! My Alzheimer's is such , that should I put in another entry sometime , I will probably make the same error again -- but let's hope not !

Hi, Mikey!

Post 103

Researcher Beckzter

Hi, Mikey! I just wanted to drop you a note to say... Feeling sorry for myself 'cos I got my leg in plaster. And I got my A-Level finals in 2 weeks, first one is Media AS the day before my birthday!

Hi, Mikey!

Post 104

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Yikes, neither of those sound like much of a birthday present.

smiley - cake

Hi, Mikey!

Post 105


Hi, Mikey! I just wanted to drop you a note to say... Great page. Wondering if you have any advice for someone looking to lean guideML. any sugestions on pages to read that are full of info?
smiley - zen

Hi, Mikey!

Post 106

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Well, one of the best places to start is going to be the <./>GuideML-Clinic</.>. From there, there are links to lots of specialty pages on lots of different areas of GuideML.

After that, another thing I found really helped me was looking at the GuideML other people used. If you want to look at the GuideML used on someone's Guide entry, just put "test" up in the URL in front of the number in place of where it says "A".

For example, here's one of the earlier entries I wrote: A520002
And here's how you could see the GuideML for it: <./>test520002</.>
or for the full URL:

Whenever you see someone who's done something really cool with their GuideML, and you want to learn how to do it, this is a good way to find out. The only trick is that if it's a user page, instead of putting "test" in place of "A" you put "testuserpage" in place of "U", such as:



Hope this helps some!

smiley - cheers

Hi, Mikey!

Post 107

logicus tracticus philosophicus

Hi, Mikey! I just wanted to drop you a note to say...just read snippets from articles bout cats,iv'e shared my space with more cats than humans ,best retreivers among cat world iv'e found being the humble british short hair (the one with base ball type head) closely followed by siamise or burmese ,some i have found to be only interested in retreiveing hair bands (simular related rings) whislt others scrunched up paper best time for training is kittenhood 13 26 weeks ,also being the best time to bath them ,do it at six week intervals for first year then you can bath them for the rest of their lifes "got a couple of good photoes of one of my cats under shower" she doesnt like it much you can see that by her face but she is standing unrestrained with the water over head try to bath a adult for the first time you have problems ,catch u later

Hi, Mikey!

Post 108

logicus tracticus philosophicus

link to pics reference to message guess which ones hannah just some of cats shared space with from 2 -- 21 at most

Hi, Mikey!

Post 109

Universal Granny

Hi, Mikey! I just wanted to drop you a note to say...Universal Granny's been down your way!smiley - smiley

Hi, Mikey!

Post 110

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hi there, Bob! Hi there, Universal Granny! Glad to meet you both!

smiley - cheers

Hi, Mikey!

Post 111


Hi, Mikey! I just wanted to drop you a note to say that I would have loved to leave a note here, but found it more logical to leave a reply to your biography. I hope the lifestyle thing comes together for you; and, again, good luck with the PhD! smiley - towel

Hi, Mikey!

Post 112


Hi, Mikey! I just wanted to drop you a note to say...its a pleasure knowing you Mikey-i think that deserves a pint mate dont you.

Hi, Mikey!

Post 113

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Hey there, kids! Hope y'all are all having a good time!

smiley - cheers

Hi, Mikey!

Post 114

E G Mel

Hi, Mikey! I just wanted to drop you a note to say...

I was reading your 'Automated' posts in reply to some lost researchers who were obviously going to be better off in ask h2g2 and thought that you could have tweeked them to make them fit the original posting. 3 of them weren't asking questions at all just random statements.

I speak from experience of my ACEing days, personalising posts to suit the person you're writing to goes a long way. Especially if they're new to the system.

Not really a rant just something I think you should bear in mind before you Ctrl+C Ctrl+V in future smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

if you want to get them into h2g2 my old links page is still lying around and you can direct them to that if you like <./>A559695</.> smiley - winkeye

Hi, Mikey!

Post 115


Hi, Mikey! I just wanted to drop you a note to say... Well actually I wanted to say that due to my hidous liberal commie pink left wing politics, I tend to clash swords with you far too often. But I have a lot of respect for you and I do hope that you don't hold it against me. So smiley - erm sorry, no hard feelings eh?

Hi, Mikey!

Post 116

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Oh, no worries bud. I quite enjoy most of our conversations. I have nothing against the lefto pinkie commie who is actually willing to try and discuss things rationally, rather then stating everything as absolutes. smiley - winkeye

Did the info in the tax thread (before the massive drift... smiley - winkeye) give you the info you wanted? Essentially, the average middle class Joe doesn't seem to pay *that* much more in taxes in the UK than in the US - at least not so much as to account for tuition and health care differences. The differences mainly seem to come into play for those towards either end of the spectrum, and how sales taxes (your VAT) are used. I get the impression that your VAT goes to the federal government, whereas our sales taxes are solely for state and local governments (with the exception of federal levies on gas, beer, cigarettes, etc.).

Oh, and on a completely different note, would you by any chance know *how* it is that post-op atelectasis causes a fever? I understand how the atelectasis happens, I just can't remember how it jump starts a fever -- and being confined to bed makes it a little difficult to search through the textbooks. smiley - winkeye

smiley - mouse

Hi, Mikey!

Post 117

Researcher 241220

Hi, Mikey! I just wanted to drop you a note to say...loved your Drina review -- I've left a longish post there.

Hi, Mikey!

Post 118


I'm glad you enjoy our debate I do as well. I do try and think about my polictics, thoug I have in the past been in a revolutionary party, it was mainly for the social side of it, The Left here has it's own culture, and very good it is too.

is only one thing that can actually wind me up, and that's the subject of the health service, you can insult me, my family any minority group that I belong to smiley - winkeye I'm sure have lurked enough to have worked out which one that is.

Yup, you're right VAT goes towards national government, but they in turn subsidise local government, and cap how much they can charge in council tax. They also provide council tax benfit for those on low incomes. So central government pays local government the council tax. Yup I find that confusing confusing as well...The distiction between local and national level is very blurred anyway. The local authourities have much less autonomy I think here. There are laws telling them which services they have to provide, and what they can and can't do. Thanks mainly to Margret Thatcher.

Yes the details have been established in the thread, about the differences bettween UK and US taxes. Thanks

I don't know why acetalisis is leading to fever, that confused me intitally we call that collapsed lung. I suppose that the collapse has lead to a chest infection as well? More worryingly I thought you were having an operation on your ankle? how did you end up with acetalisis?

Hi, Mikey!

Post 119

Mikey the Humming Mouse - A3938628 Learn More About the Edited Guide!

Well, pneumothorax is what we call a completely collapsed lung. Atlectasis is when only bits and pieces collapse, but the rest of the lung is still useable. Pneumothorax often requires inserting one of those nasty tubes, whereas atlectasis can be managed without surgery most often.

They said at the ER that it had happened because after the ankle surgery I spent so much time asleep in bed, on my back, and because I have a history of asthma and chronic respiratory infections, that predisposed me. They said I don't currently have an infection, though -- no pneumonia or anything - which is why I wasn't sure how the atlectasis itself caused the fever. The doc at the ER said it was one of the main causes of fever in the first 24 hours post-op?

Oh well.
smiley - mouse

Hi, Mikey!

Post 120


Yup we call pnenmothorax, when the lung collapses due to the air inthe thorax out side the lung, that's the one that needs a chest drain. I've heard of lobar collapse, or partial collapse.

We might also call it consolidation, where a section of lung becomes solid due to infection or fibrosis or infection ect. Maybe that's the correct word?

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