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Managed to get started!

Yay! Only to find with a non-fiction book you have to write a book proposal first (luckily I found this quite quickly, before I'd written the whole thing), so am working my way through that. I have to keep stopping to go off and research stuff. Argh...

Taking longer to do this than it's going to take to drag the info kicking and screaming out of my brain...

smiley - biro

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Latest reply: May 22, 2014

Writing a book

Or rather, *not* writing a book.

What with one thing and another I've had to do a lot of writing 'what we do and how we do it' for my business, so I thought - I could turn that into a book as well.

It's hard to get started. Thursday I gathered lots of stuff together, everything I've already done, some of it over years of training staff, sending emails, writing job ads, etc and some other books for research. The only thing that's missing is the noteboook I filled with ideas and plans after some seminars which is actually a disaster.

Yesterday I stared at it ALL DAY LONG, then finally at about 9pm I stacked it into 3 piles, then used a small mind map I'd made a few months ago to write a table of contents. Then I went to bed.

I think my current excuse is 'I'm waiting for my new tablet to arrive'. MS office stopped working on my laptop and although I'm managing with Open Office I want MS back. So the new tablet has it - it will also be easier to copy type from notes on my lap as there's more space for papers on the sofa - my computer desk is only big enough for the computer. I need a proper office. smiley - erm

Last time I had to write something I spent a lot of time in the library so I wasn't distracted, but there doesn't seem to be a rule for 'quiet please' in libraries anymore. smiley - sadface The stuff I still need to write is the stuff I normally just tell people how to do, but I can't train everyone personally, although I am trying!

I've always wanted to write a book (obviously not a burning desire or I would have written one by now), although I thought it would be fiction. h2g2 got me into loving writing factual articles, so let's extend that and see if I can make my millions. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

After I'd written my book I want a TV show - the dog walker inspector. smiley - winkeye Don't tell anyone that, they'll steal my idea. I've already had my training days idea stolen by someone else... smiley - sadface With more money so they can hire an enormous venue!

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Latest reply: May 17, 2014

Oh the shame

Took two of my dogs for their 'Good Citizen' tests today. Scamp passed Silver which I was really pleased about! Got Tinker out for his Gold, examiner walked over to check his id tag prior to starting the test and Tinker told her to bugger off out of it (ie barked, then when she didn't go away, bashed her hand with his teeth and barked a whole lot more) which was pretty much an immediate fail.

Ho hum.

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Latest reply: Apr 11, 2014

Even when you're expecting it...

It's still annoying to get a huge bill. smiley - steam

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Latest reply: Apr 9, 2014

Full of fab new business ideas

Which is great, but then you have to like Do Work and Stuff to get them going before you start on the next one. Got a queue of about 3 things I want to develop but have to get the first thing sorted first.

It requires more discipline than I've ever been able to scrape up before to finish the first thing before I start the next. Is there a smiley?

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Latest reply: Apr 2, 2014

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