This is the Message Centre for Samuel Pepys

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 21


Spiny Norman and Sid are both wrong I am afraid to report smiley - winkeye

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 22

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Prove it!

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 23


God, good groats are piling up. We need more guesses and then perhaps a hint or two in the appropriate direction?

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 24

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Oh, I seem to have found another groat! *throws it on the table* Okay, I guess that he can pick up a pint pot with, not to put too fine a point on it, the cheeks of his anus.

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 25


That's gross. Sorry I mean groats. Somebody has inadvertently thrown in a washer instead of a groat.

Ok. In goes another groat.

I guess he was caught doing something naughty and was told, "Save that until you're married!" and he has - in a pint pot.

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 26


I wish I hadn't opened my mouth now. Mind you the imagination of some people, and with ladies present. smiley - smiley

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 27

The Duke of Dunstable

The ladies are still thinking of what to guess, I hope. But agreed upon the issue of guessing foul things. I mean, Wellie can't be very flattered considering the nature of our guesses. Shame on us! smiley - smiley

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 28

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

I think we're all assuming that if it wasn't in some way disgusting or shameful, Wellies would be quite happy to admit to it.

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 29

The Duke of Dunstable

Oh good point. Withdraw the shame. I stick to my guess which, as you may or may not recall, was that at some point in a very wet party he was challenged to drink a pint from the put under the bed in the house in which said party took place.

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 30

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

Mmmmm, Ahh I have another Groat!

Mmmmm.......Ahhhhhh.......Well could it be being short of cash to purchase drinks, and having to pour slops into one's own pint pot to enjoy one's self?

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 31

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

Hmmm.... I like the way you're thinking!

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 32

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Well, I know you all like a wager, and that pot of groats will make someone a handsome prize, but I have to depart now, or I'll be late for the Open Hedgehog Bowling event. Perhaps some of you worthies would care to follow me and wager your money on a faster-moving sport? I don't know how to put in links yet, but we're in the "Bubble Wrapping Stations" thread just off the "Bubble Wrap" forum. Do come and cheer me on.

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 33


I'll "pop" over and have a look!

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 34

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

"Pop" over! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 35

Sidney Kidney, AKA Gruby Ben, friend of Dirty Den

You stole my thunder!!!

I was gonna say that!!

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 36

SPINY (aka Ship's Cook)

Vestboy is cooking on gas today!

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 37


That's the last time you're having any of my fizzy sherry!

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 38


I thought we settled that subject earlier, didn't we EV. smiley - smiley

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 39

Dr E Vibenstein (You know it is, it really is.)

*nods sagely, whilst not being quite sure what Menzarse is talking about*

The Back Parlou - The sequel

Post 40

The Duke of Dunstable

This is getting confusing. What do you say we all just drink this sour wine, eat this garliced meat and when Wellies comes back we all fall over him like one person and breathe in his face until he's ready to tell us the secret of the pint pot. All in favour?

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