Is it really my life?

My name is Coralie, I spent my adult life in the throes of the economic rat race in Johannessburg, South Africa. That is until I got it all backwards and confused things a bit-now I live in Streatham, London England with my fiance (who is not my childs father). I used to think I wanted to be a wife and a mum,but the universe disagreed and I got comfie with the usual life of a single gal. Then I guess the universe decided I was getting too comfortable with life and a "usual night of a single gal" left me with a new best friend, a tiny baby boy and reason to marry my first true love-Matthew.Now I love being a wife and mum but sometimes miss the rat race.
Why so candid you may ask?Well I'd like to hope that I may change the mind of a young gal like me who perchance begs the question : "whats the point of listening to my mum?".
Now my problems are less about my roots showing through the colour rinse,and so much more about the colour of smash and other gimmicks to get my baby boy to eat.
Any ideas?


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