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Finally,we have real names:)

Post 1


Hi Beverley

So thats what I'll sound like when Lyle is 8smiley - smiley No really thats a compliment. He is one now, the folks in SA call him my devil child coz he was born on 06 June 2006 (060606)and he has a birthmark on his forhead that looks like the letter V so they say he got horns.His biological dad was so in to it that he left us at 2pm at the hospital to go see the movie the omen which was released on the same day.(You see why we didnt stay with himsmiley - smiley )I like the entertaining thing too-only its pretty difficult now coz we live in a studio, but my dream is a B&B in Cornwall,and Matt reckons its not completely out of reach.I know it sounds cliche for someone around here but for a gal from Joeys its huge!I didnt even have aspirations to live in England,it just happened-but then most of Gods biggest blessings have come by me that waysmiley - smiley
Looking forward to chatting to you more.

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 2


Hey! I have found you! Or you found me!! One of my best friends sister is called Coralie...another thing in common!smiley - smiley You mustn't worry too much about Lyle, he will come round and eventually eat a lot more things. I can't believe for a moment the devil child description, I bet he is soo sweet really. How has your day been? Mine was filled with shopping for teachers present and then gym, with some housework in between. I made salmon fishcakes for tea with poached eggs...yummy!
Bev xox

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 3


Hi there

No, I found you-that is weird, about Coralie. I'm not too worried about Lyle now-noticed this afternoon that he has his two top molars popping out (could explain things).Lots of housework for me too-I finally got to do some ironing.I'm still not hundreds with the meal times here so I'm still doing breakfast lunch and suppersmiley - blush. But Lyle and I did toasted cheese for lunch. I really wanted to take him to Battersea park today but the lady upstairs had a burst pipe so we got flooded! Nonetheless I got to meet her at last,a nice lady called Maureen (a teacher) so she suggested we organise a braai in the garden so all the tenants can meet and greet (we are all fairly new to the building.
I still can't get my head around cooking among all this other stuff and Lyle so Matt has mostly been doing the cooking.I'm trying to plan some decent quick and easy menus so that I can take over as I feel I should.
He just arrived home so now I can actually put my feet up a bit whilst he plays at hooligans with Lylesmiley - biggrin

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 4


Isn't it nice to see children fooling around with adults? My hubby loves messing around and playing at being childish!smiley - smiley
So what was life like for you before Lyle? Mine was ok, I managed an Opticians practice for a few years and prior to that I worked in an old folks home.
I have an older brother, who I don't see and a younger sister that I do see. Brother has 3 boys, aged 19, 15 and 12. Sister has boy aged 13. Most of my family are in Lincolnshire and friends too although I really only keep in contact with one - funny how that happens.
This weekend I am going to see my cousin who lives on the south coast, I haven't seen her for 21yrs!!
My love of cooking and food started when I left home - I had been spoilt and at 24yrs had never had to cook a meal from scvratch alone! I had helped out though with cooking so knew the basics but just let my mum & dad get on with it! My hubby did all the cooking when we first met and began living together - now I almost go into a fit if he tries to help! Its MY kitchen, MY knives, MY recipe!!!!smiley - laughsmiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh
Good to be able to chat to you.
Bev x

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 5


What was life like before Lyle? Mmm,I dread to think-and I've not been asked that eversmiley - erm. I left home when I was 19,first to work as a councelor at summer camp in America.Then to live with a boyfriend when I got back-he was a bar tender and matts best friend(still is Matts best friend).Since he worked in the pub we always ate there and when Matt and I realised I moved out to be on my own-I lived in a place called Melville which was a real "ecentric/trendy" spot to live.I lived in a tiny cottage and had a micro and an electric frying pan so I just always ate out (or Matt and I would cook together at week ends when I visited him at his parents house. Thats where it started for me I think-the mates where always round our place coz Matt had the coolest family.
I don't think I really had a life, I just lived from day to day.I worked mostly in large call centres and went out most nights to the local for company. Matt and I have had a long journey to get where we are ( so long I had a baby with someone else).
I never thought I'd say it but its amazing to be able to live a life of service to my family.
I still havent worked out where you live.

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 6


That is such a nice thing to say about your family life. You sound like you have your soul mate in Matt.
I cant help thinking that I must be a lot older than you - not that it matters a bit, I guess I just feel old today! I am (in a whisper) 36yrs.
I live in right on the border of Beds/Herts and Bucks. Near Tring in a village. Its a nice village with a good community except from a handful of cliquey women.

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 7


Not that much older, I will be turning 28 on 23 July (which is like a week away I think).Since I got here I've lost track of time,with not being in an office.
I definately do have my soul mate,but its so nice to have someone else to talk to now.
I'm going to do the bedtime shift so I'm off to have long arguments with my son about the benefits of sleepsmiley - run and I'm sure my fiance will have hijacked the pc before I'm done,so I will check in one last time before I go to bed and hopefully chat more to you tommorowsmiley - smiley

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 8


Evening! Hope you have had a good day. I worked til 6pm then rushed off to help at the school disco. I only get the opportunity to chat on the pc in the evening as my hub takes the laptop into the office every day. I hope to get my own computer so I can then chat away during the day when not working - I will never get any housework done then!smiley - wah!!! What plans do you have in place for your birthday? I hope your other half will be lookinh after Lyle and providing you with dinner or at least a take away, better still if you have a sitter then you could go out. If I were closer I would come and sit for you. We find it hard to get out as I can't leave Becky with a real yougster as she has some allergies that are really severe. Our parents will come but its a fair drive for them and means we have to put them up overnight - not what you want after a romantic evening out!smiley - smoochsmiley - loveblush We do have a young girl who will sit sometimes but she charged over £5 an hoursmiley - erm so adds a big amount to the evenings bill! I am rambling now - something I am good at!!

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 9


Also had a busy day,found a fantastic one o clock club at Battersea Park (didnt even get to the zoo).The people were so welcoming and Lyle had a great time. We stayed until closing then I came home and cooked supper-Matts decided to go back to gym thank goodness!He was snoring so badly he was waking Lyle up!So we all got a good night in last night and Lyle only woke twicesmiley - smiley Now that hes going back to gym he'll only get home at 8 in the evening but now that I've found the one o clock club it suits me coz it gives me more time. Also discovered the joys of the 319 bussmiley - smiley It goes straight to all the places I like to go so I no longer need to change busses. I've not made plans for my birthday except I know I'm expected to stay in for 2 deliveries-one from Matt and one from my dad.Other than that I'm really not sure. This is actually the first time in 6 years that I wont be alone for my birthday.All the other years my dad has been in the Uk with my brother-Matt used to leave me every year about two weeks before then come crawling back round September.And last year I was in hospital with post natal depression and was only allowed to see Lyle-and only for an hour through which he mostly slept. I guess the point is Im just happy that circumstancces change and Im really blessed to have Lyle to spend the day with-and that when the day is done I can curl up next to Matt and feel as warm as my heart does.
As for the housework when ou gt your pc,you do find a way (I cant believe Im saying this)We have a desktop and we each have a laptop so there's no shortage in our house-and they're all ALWAYS on.But I chat in between things.Pop a message off then put a load in the machine then poop back in and so on.Infact,I even spend the day logged on to skype chat with Matt!We talk all day long,more than we do at night.
So having said that I'm off to do the dishes.Which reminds me, that thing Ian told us about addresses... if you go to photosbycoralie dot fotopic dot net you can have a look at the pics of Lyle since we got here.Chat to you later

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 10


Hi Coralie,
I haven't deserted you but just didn't get time to come on line yesterday. I will look at your pics, bet he is sooo cute! Can you believe this weather?! Vile. I like your advice re the pc, I really enjoy the food board and its great I have you to chat to know. My only good friend I have made has gone on a 2 week holiday today so I will miss her like mad - she is my back bonesmiley - sadface
Tomorrow I am travelling southward to visit a cousin that I haven't seen for 21yrs! Can't wait. Just wish it would stop raining! I blame Rianna and her umbrella song!
The club you have found sounds excellent and will really help you settle down and make friends closer to home. I am your friend toosmiley - smiley I was sorry to hear of your PND, I too suffered but I refused to get help, I noe know I was foolishsmiley - sadface and would have got better sooner had I done so. Its an horrid feeling, I remember feeling SO out of control and really scared but at the same time an enormous amount of love for my baby.
What day is your Birthday next week? I wish I could pop round with a cake and some bubbly for you to share with Mattsmiley - bubblysmiley - cakesmiley - bubblysmiley - cake
Right off to look at my soup which is nearly ready to eat - homemade minestrone...yum!
Hope to catch you later if you are around.
Bev x

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 11


By the way would you like that book? If you do then post me a version of your e mail address and we can sort it from there.
Bev x

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 12


Now it's my turn to apologise.Things went haywire this weekend.The guy that works with Matt had to leave the office on Friday as his wife went into labour and he normally does the maintenance over the weekend so Matt has had to keep leaving to go into office. He's gone now and then to gym so I thought I'd have a look see if you'd been in. Birthday is tommorow (Monday)I've been on the bubbly most of the weekend thus far smiley - headhurts.Matt seems to be attempting to make up for all the years gone by. It's good to hear of other people who struggled with PND,I find I still struggle sometimes and so have chosen to stay on the medication. I kept saying I was okay but then I got violent with my stepmum and decided I couldnt hide the fact I wasnt feeling myself.I got a really good psychiatrist who still keeps in touch via email and has even been in touch with my GP here. I'm still very emotional and protective regarding Lyle,but then his dads mother was quite vindictive so it probably made it worse.I still often wonder things like do I spend enough time with him-give him enough attention-completely irrational as I know I'm doing the best i can for him.
Cake, now theres a thought,now I know what I'm doing tonight,thanks-need to get a cake tin though.smiley - erm
Anyway, I have a bit of ironing to do so I'm off to do that.As for the book, yes please I'd love it. My email is dingbat59 at webmail dot co dot za
Looking forward to it

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 13


Hey, I have just emailed you!smiley - smiley
Bev x

Finally,we have real names:)

Post 14


Just mailed you back

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