This is the Message Centre for sweetdingbat

This n' that

Post 1


Hi Coralie

Well done. smiley - ok Looks like you've made a great start.

Let's hope the Boocootwo comes to see this and that you two can exchange email addy's so she can get that book to you.smiley - choc

Ian (in France)

This n' that

Post 2


Thanks Ian, still a WHOLE NEW WORLD.Not quite confident with these swmileys but I'll get theresmiley - erm. I posted a message to her space coz she did set it up-her name is Beverley (still waiting for a reply). This is really exciting, I feel like a kid again, my dad even reminded me on the phone last night to make sure all my regular responsibilities are looked after before I log onsmiley - laughCan you believe that? Thanks so much for the kind words-its nice to get talking again-even if not with my voice.

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