This is the Message Centre for sweetdingbat

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 1

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

I'm popping in as one of the assistant community editors here, aka <./>aces</.>. We greet newbies such as yourself and help you get settled. Providing an introduction was a great first step, next I suggest you review my colleague Feisor's list of Hints and Links at A719840. Among the obvious features Feisor mentions are the assortment of <./>smileys</.>. But you'll also find our newspaper <./>thepost</.>, <./>MiscChat</.> and <./>askh2g2</.> among others.

And if you investigate The h2g2 Post's Links Page you'll discover much much more. The Researchers' smiley - earthMap at A5076614 is just one example, as are the different Regional Researchers' Groups at A660313. But there're also items such as the Personal Space Workshop at A1123354 and the various Wallpapers for your computer at A1136242.

Feel free to leave me a message if you have any questions. Simply use the 'Reply' button below and I'll try to respond promptly, alright. smiley - cheers

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 2


Goodness,so how is it you do that?Fill me in on the "how stuff works around here". Had a look at your page-I'll have to learn about the smileys for def. But you'd be well loved in my house no doubt-by my fiance for the chocolate and by me for both the coffee and the chocolatesmiley - smiley

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 3

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Good to get a prompt response. Just thought you'd appreciate knowing how things work, that's all. Hopefully that'll help you with getting settled - can I offer you either smiley - coffeeor smiley - choc?

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 4


mmm,now why would a question like that evoke such happy feelingssmiley - blush

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 5

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

So I take that as a yes? smiley - winkeye

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 6


Yes its quite bad actually.They are two of my worst vices-especially orange chocolate.

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 7

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh it can never be All that bad can it?*pours smiley - coffee* Cream or sugar?

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 8


Both always,lots where are you based?

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 9

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Alright then. Me? I'm in Canada...Vivani organic smiley - choc with orange essential oils alright?

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 10


Ill have to try find some of that,it sounds good-never heard of it?So is this your job?Talking to newbies like me?Or is there something else you do?

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 11

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh the smiley - choc, it's German actually. Oh not at the moment, just welcoming newbies. I mean it seems like ages ago, but I was a newbie at one time.

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 12

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 13


Sorry I didnt thank youlast night. My knight in shining armour arrived home with real chocolate and challenged me to a game of "Khet". Couldn't turn that down as he'd beat me three games in a row-I won last nightsmiley - smiley

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 14

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Ah no problem, we aces have volunteered to welcome newbies - nice personal touch, I think. And congrats on winning!smiley - ok Oh & the real smiley - choc...definitely better than the virtual variety!smiley - winkeye

ace's welcome sweetdingbat!

Post 15

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

But of course you're welcome all the same!smiley - smiley

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