Quiet please for Quarkafleeg
New Year, New introduction to Quarkafleeg.
Just to give you a wee picture of myself so you have a bit of an image of who you are talking to.
I'm fifty, but of course as far as I'm concerned I'm nineteen forever, as that was my very best year (so far...!). I'm into break beats as a musical genre (check out bbc.co.uk/radio1/annienightingale) Annie Nightingale, 5 - 7 Friday night (Saturday morning). Can be dancy, can be techno, always a gem or three in her show though. I listen online at more sensible times, or record to minidisc. But although her choice of music is wikkid, I will listen to anything except loud aggressive rap with a smile and a tapping foot.My first album was Black Sabbath's first album, and, surprisingly perhaps, I've never looked back.(Except to check who's following me!...)
I've done some travelling around Europe, not in holiday mode, but rather working to support myself and living months at a time in a location. I hope to get to Africa, South America and Asia before I'm done. Having a nice wee laptop will help me a lot, both to keep in touch and to make some dollars. I was never 'rich' while travelling before, although I made decent money grape-picking and tobacco processing in France, and I lived with a German wine grower's daughter from the Mosel valley , where we spent many happy months each year living and working with the family getting that beautiful elixir organised. How many kids have been born as a result of a shared bottle of Goldlay? How much has the right bottle,in the right place, at the right time affected History?! You see where this personal space is coming from a little?
Now Ive returned to the land of my birth in South-west Scotland, and I'm feeling a bit cut off from the rest of the planet. I live on the Southerness Peninsula, which sticks out into the Solway Firth, pointing at the mountains of Cumbria, and below the largest lump of crystal in the area, known as Criffel, or strictly speaking Drum Hill, which is the side of the lump facing this way.
Economically, I've never been so broke in my life, and I'm thinking I may have to ship out for somewhere with better job opportunities, although this is an amazingly beautiful part of the world. You can't eat scenery, unfortunatlely.
I did two courses in web page and database design in 1998/99, and I'm just renewing my acquaintance with computers now. Things have changed quite a bit and I'm loving it. I'm also loving being an archaeologist at an Early Bronze Age site nearby. check it out at http://www.sat.org.uk
Other loves are my Alexandrine parrot, Brodie, who shares a birthday with me, and is enjoying his first year of life, my car, Molly, and living Life to the fullest extent I can manage!
I hope to hear from some of you at some point in the future.
December 28, 2007
Stay Bright...

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Superfrenchie FTW ! | No Posting | Aug 25, 2017 |
Zaphod 4 Prez sounds like a good idea... | No Posting | Apr 26, 2017 |
It's NaJo time! (Superfrenchie) | No Posting | Nov 2, 2016 |
November 14th 2015 - WHY? | No Posting | Nov 17, 2015 |
Superfrenchie's NaJoPoMo 2015 | No Posting | Nov 1, 2015 |
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