This is the Message Centre for quarkafleeg
Elentari Started conversation Jun 13, 2007
Hi and welcome to h2g2, or hootoo as we sometimes call it!
I'm Elentari and I'm one of h2g2's <./>ACEs</.>. I'm an ordinary researcher like you who spends some time welcoming new members. So if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me by hitting the 'reply' button at the end of this post.
The main reason this site was set up was to create a guide to life, the universe, and everything. Accordingly, lots of us here (including me) write entries for the edited guide, which become h2g2's definitive entry on that subject. If you're interested in doing the same (don't worry if you're not, it's by no means compulsory! ) please have a look at A53209.
h2g2 can be confusing even for old timers, but here are some links to help you out! I highly recommend you check out A901829 on h2g2 jargon for an explanation of some of the terms you'll find here. It's also worth taking the h2g2 Tour at A317459 for a quick intro to the site. You could also just use the <./>FrontPage</.> as a starting point for browsing.
If you've had a quick look around already, you may want to know how to do cool smileys like ,
and so on. If so, A155909 is the place to visit. If you want to make your Personal Space look snazzy, try A690518.
h2g2 is definitely not a chat room, but we do have areas for light-hearted chatter; try <./>MiscChat</.>.
Finally, one more handy link is a page on hints and links for new researchers at A719840.
Get stuck in, we're a friendly bunch and everyone was new once!
Don't forget to ask if there's anything you want to know!
quarkafleeg Posted Jul 16, 2007
hi di hi elentari. thanks for welcome note. as a fellow Seeker, I'm aeare that we need all the help we can get. I have a blog at shockslogansandmindlesstokentantrums.blogspot,com if you'd like to check me out a bit more. I'll sort out a profile etc when i have more time. I'm in public library the noo, up in SW Scotland
Stay Bright
quarkafleeg Posted Jul 18, 2007
I guess I meant "seeker" in the sense of "pilgrim", given that the one thi ng we have in common is that we're wizzing through space at a tremendous rate of knots on a planet which is so fragile it makes snowflakes in hell seem positively robust! That was a long sentence, and we all have more or less lengthy sentences. Indeed some of us will just babble on about the first thing which comes into their head.
Just out of interest, where were you when you first heard/read/saw h2g2 (before it became fictional!!!) I can remember it well because it was around the time John Lennon was killed. It caused me tremendous problems at the time, as I was undergoing "treatment" for a psychotic episode which happened to me in my early 20s. While it is true I was spouting some unutterable rubbish anyway, My situation was further complicated by the fact that I was referring to concepts which I had picked up from H2G2, and communicating them to mental health professionals. It really did'nt help me in my efforts to convince these people that I was sane, as you can imagine
As I said befor, John Lennon was shot while I was under treatment and I heard the news via World Service news, which I listened to at night while radio 4 was having a kip. As the various nurses etc arrived, I passed on the sad tidings, and guess what - nobody believed me!
"Yes John, sure John, how terrible John" Exasperating or wot!?
That was 20-odd years ago, and I've been OK since then, you'll be relieved to hear! Anyhow, have a look at my blog at to see a little how my "seeking" is going
Hasta la vista
Elentari Posted Jul 20, 2007
Ha, I know what you mean. I woke up my brother to tell him about Diana's death and he didn't believe me.
I think I must have been told about the site first, then read the books. I've seen the film and a bit of the tv series, but it was all before my time I'm afraid!
How are you finding the site so far?
show so far?
quarkafleeg Posted Jul 23, 2007
Got befuddled trying to sign in the other day, but everything smoothe today. H2G2 is a great concept, and I will contribute what I can. I recently discovered Lord Dunsany, who wrote the wildest fantasy stuff I've ever read, so I intend to research him and make an entry, as he is too good to be lost in the mists of time.
I'm off for a browse around..
Stay brite
show so far?
Elentari Posted Jul 23, 2007
That's great to hear! I'm sure I gave you some links in my original message about writing for the guide, which you should read before you submit anything. I've written 30-odd edited entries myself so I'd be happy to read it over for you, or answer any questions.
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."