This is the Message Centre for The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 441

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Now there's a Good Mate. We don't need the Yaks for cargo. So AW is going to have to get rid of the ones that are left. Course we could keep one or two for a Bar-B-Q.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 442

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Course we could keep all them Yaks in AWs quaters. It's a deal AW you are the Keeper of the Yaks.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 443


Well they're going to have to be put somewhere Captain.....I mean where is all this shopping*Pinky points to the 28 Japanese gentlemen carrying packages aboard*going to go ? *Stoops to pull her Gucci stilleto heeled shoe out of the small gap in the plank* Could someone give me some help here please ?

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 444

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Awe I did'nt see you were having difficulties Lass I'll help you. No worries on the yaks me Sweets. Unless you don't like yak stew. AW can fit them in her Quarters. She'll Have to sleep on the deck that's all. Serves her right for gettting them things in the firat place. We can dump em in Okinawa for a tidy sum. That's not far from here. Ok I mean Aharrr.smiley - biggrin

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 445


Thankyou for your kind help Captain, I am obliged.Can we shop in Okinawa ? Seems we'll make good profit from the sale of those yaks.We could of course invest in a bigger boat Captain,then AW could have a decent sized cabin (just incase she buys more yaks in the future) Oh well.we'll worry about that later.The yak stew smells...... mmmmmmmmmmmmm......yes it does smell,I just can't quite put my finger on what that smell reminds me of at the moment !

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 446

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

yEP I just checked AW's quarters and she's up to her neck in yak. We may have to use the inboard motors to get on our way after the Dance Lass. I think we'll let AW taste test the yak stew. What do you think Pinky?smiley - winkeyeIt does have a rather unique` smell to it does'nt it.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 447

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

I've never eaten stewed yak before...

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 448

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Neither have I. I don't think you want this batch either.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 449

Midnight Ice - the Daughter of a Cacophony of Chrysanthemums

Okay... I think I'll stick with pizza. Does anyone want some pizza because I'll make some!!smiley - biggrin

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 450

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Great plan Lass. I'll take some. I'm sure Pinky might want some pizza also. I think she's was going to the Ladies room. I was'nt aware we had a Ladies room on this vessel, but Pinky assures me we do. So what kind will you make? I like mushrooms and lots of cheese. Canadian Bacon is good too.smiley - smileyAharrr

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 451

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Yak pizza coming up! smiley - ok

... And I expect you all to clean your plates!!! smiley - cross

smiley - winkeye

*AW saunters off to the galley with yet another yak*

*the yak stares at the Captain with sad eyes as he faces his impending doom*

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 452

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Hey Midnight has got the pizza AW you need to swab the deck and get rid of this yak sell. *Hands AW a mop and bucket.* Spare the Yaks life.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 453

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

And wash your hands as you know your nose and pickingsmiley - tongueout

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 454

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

I'm a washcloth, so I don't have a nose to pick. smiley - tongueout

Oh alright. I won't whack the yak, Captain. I'll put him back with the girlie yaks so we can have a few more to sell by the time we deliver them to port. smiley - winkeye

*the yak appears quite happy*

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 455

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Well they had better work quick. Cause I plan to drop them off soon.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 456

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

Yak party poooooo-per! smiley - nahnah

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 457

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Aharr descention in the ranks. Well how long does it take a yak to have a baby yak?

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 458

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

smiley - erm

Oh ... about five minutes. smiley - smiley

*notices that the yaks are getting pretty deep*

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 459

Avenging Washcloth, An unhurried sense of time is, in itself, a form of wealth.

*the boards of AW's quarters begin to bulge ... and tufts of yak hair poke out in-between*

smiley - yikes

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 460

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Well you had better separate the girls and the boy. Pronto.

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The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

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