This is the Message Centre for The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 381


Shrimp and lobster !!! I should think so...My very favourite .....Which way Captain ? Lead me to it !

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 382

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Aharrr it's a done deal Missy.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 383

Lady Scott

smiley - zzz


What's this about shrimp and lobster? smiley - drool

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 384


The Captain is treating us to a fabulous feast Lady Scott,he's just searching for the most expensive restaurant...

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 385

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Yep Grabs a lobster trap and a fishing pole.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 386

Lady Scott

If by "lobster trap and fishing pole" you mean "fistful of money to pay for an elegant meal", let's go!

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 387

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Aharrr Yes Dear.*drops enplements of cheapness*

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 388

Lady Scott

*straightens her black velvet, rhinestone encrusted evening gown*

Good thing I put this on before I climbed up in the crow's nest. smiley - ok

*slips on black suede heels*

smiley - diva

Ok, let's go get some grub!

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 389


Lady Scott you look glamorous..Then there's me !!! Would they allow me into a posh place looking like this ? My hair looks good,but my clothes !!!! I may just sit here on the pavement and beg...any scraps will do ...

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 390

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Awe Dear I'm sur they won't have a problem with you. I can be quite persuasive if you know what I mean. Besides you look Marvelous me Sweets.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 391

Lady Scott

Good thing I brought along extra evening gowns.

*holds up evening gowns*

Would you prefer the red satin, or the white brocade?

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 392


Well thankyou Captain and no disrespect whatsoever,but you are a pirate and are so used to seeing your crew looking ,well,shall we say,worse for wear ? Still,I know how persausive you can be ! Lets eat .......

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 393

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Yep it's hard to resist a man brandishing a rather Large Sword.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 394


And me with your Samarai,let them stop us from eating, IF THEY DARE.....

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 395

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Yep and the fact I plan to slip them a fifty won't hurt either.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 396


If we arrive looking very fierce and menacing,perhaps you can hold onto that 50 for our next shopping spree in Sumatra ! Just a thought Captain,I'm doing my very best to save you money !

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 397

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Good I'm sure there's a Captain Ds about.smiley - smiley

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 398

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

Awe just kidding Lasses. Look heres a nice swanky place. Lets check out the menu.

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 399


I don't much like the look of their doorman over there >>>>>>>>>>> He's rather HUGE,with muscles !!! I'll try and catch his eye,while you escort Lady Scott in safely.Ok Captain ?

The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

Post 400

The Sundance Kid(Captain of the Good Ship Necromancer)If Life Gives You Manure, Use it to Fertilize your Garden

No need Missy he just looks mean that's his job. I'll smooth him over.

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The Kid's Fan Club(The Return of The Necromancer)

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