This is the Message Centre for Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Book/Story Titles

Post 421

span(ner in the works) - check out The Forum A1146917 for some ace debate

zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance - i forget the author

tangle>fishing>sea>water>oxygen>carbon monoxide

Book/Story Titles

Post 422

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

Illusions-- Richard Bach

zen--> spirituality

Book/Story Titles

Post 423

a girl called Ben

Magic in my pocket - Alison Uttley

Book/Story Titles

Post 424

Platypus 2

The Magic Pudding by Norman Lindsay

Book/Story Titles

Post 425


the magician's nephew - c. s. lewis

Book/Story Titles

Post 426

Platypus 2

Alice in Wonderland By Lewis Carrol

Book/Story Titles

Post 427


Uncle Tom's Cabin ~ Harriet Beecher Stowe

Book/Story Titles

Post 428


smiley - grr Simulposted! Haven't seen that for a while...

Book/Story Titles

Post 429


Ok, go with

The River King ~ Alice Hoffman

Book/Story Titles

Post 430

Platypus 2

(My goodness, you're versatile, Orcus smiley - winkeye)

A River Runs Through It - by {Gosh darn I forget - can I get back to you on this? smiley - grovel}

Book/Story Titles

Post 431


A River Runs Through It by Norman MacLean smiley - biggrin

links to...

Bonnie and Clyde by David Newman and Howard Benton

Orcus (a mine (or is it amazon? smiley - winkeye) of information)

Book/Story Titles

Post 432

Platypus 2

Thank you very much for the Author, you are very well read, but I don't get the link....(perhaps I'm tired its midnight here smiley - blush )

Howards End - EM Foster

Book/Story Titles

Post 433


Ender's Game - Orson Scott Card

Orcus - not as well read as you think. A certain website linked witha south america river tends to help with this game smiley - winkeye

The Clyde is the river that runs through Glasgow smiley - smiley

Book/Story Titles

Post 434

a girl called Ben

Game of Kings - Dorothy Dunnett

Book/Story Titles

Post 435

Wayfarer-- I only wish I were crackly

Kingsmeat(short story) Orson Scott Card

Book/Story Titles

Post 436


the king's iron - robert newton peck

(i checked this book out of the library about seventeen years ago. it is still on my bookshelf. i don't think i've ever finished it.)

Book/Story Titles

Post 437

Platypus 2

Murder in the Cathedral TS Elliot

Book/Story Titles

Post 438

a girl called Ben

Murder at the Vicarage - Agatha Christie

Book/Story Titles

Post 439

Argon0 (50 and feeling it - back for a bit)

Chung Kuo Book 3: The White Mountain - David Wingrove (an excellent series about a World Scanning Chinese Empire....)

So you use that South American River too smiley - huh Orcus!!

Oh, yeah, the link....

VicarAGE -> AGE of Empires ....

Book/Story Titles

Post 440


heir to the empire - timothy zahn

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