This is the Message Centre for telegram_sam home of the Telegram Game 726319

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 381

Icy North

First votes for BAGGAGE...

1. (750a) Before Accepting Generous Gifts, Assess Givers Expectations! (Tsarina)

2. (749) Baboons are gleeful, gregarious and generally entertaining. (Blackberry Cat)

3. (748) Barely any government gets a good ending. (Pimms)

smiley - cheers Icy

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 382



1st Before Accepting Generous Gifts, Assess Givers Expectations! - Tsarina - 751

2nd Blair annoyed great groups, albeit gained elections - B'Elana - 760

3rd Blue And Gold Gains At General Election - Icy - 745

smiley - dog

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 383

aka Bel - A87832164


smiley - star Before Accepting Generous Gifts, Assess Givers Expectations! - Tsarina

smiley - fullmoon Bush Attacks Generals - 'Get Army Groups Empowered' - MMF

smiley - mars Busy Airports Generally Guard Against Guns Entirely - Artisan

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 384


Gold - Before Accepting Generous Gifts, Assess Givers Expectations! - Tsarina
Saliver - Be a good girl and get elevenses - Icy
Brontosaurus - Blair Agony - 'George Galloway? A Government Employee?' - MMF

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 385


Gold: Barely any government gets a good ending. -- Pimms

Silver: Because all goons grope after girly excitement -- CARDIFF

Bronze: Before Accepting Generous Gifts, Assess Givers Expectations! -- Tsarina

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 386


And the nominations from sunny Glasgow for BAGGAGE are as follows,

smiley - space
smiley - applause 1. Tsarina 750a
smiley - wow 2. Icy North 745
smiley - cool 3. Blackberry cat 749
smiley - space
smiley - cheers

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 387

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

And the votes have been counted, with a recount in the ward of Kew-North-by-Thames... and the results in reverse order are:-

smiley - mars - by one vote Artisan - 1 point.
'Blair And Gordon Gerrymander Afore General Election!'

smiley - fullmoon - tsarina - 2 points
'Blair Always Gushes After Gaining WElections!'


smiley - star - Blackberry Cat -3 points
'Ballots Annulled, Good God, Another General Election!'

Loved the theme. Love to be topical.

Well done all of you who didn't get my votes... It was a toughy and you all deserve smiley - applause


smiley - musicalnote

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 388


Hellbound almost forgot to vote for BAGGAGE!

1) Before Accepting Generous Gifts, Assess Givers Expectaions! - tsarina
2) Ballots annulled, Good God, another General Election! - blackberry cat
3) Baboons are gleeful, gregarious and generally entertaining. - blackberry cat

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 389

Icy North

Voting for COFFEE...

1. (768b) Cleaning Out Filthy Filter Enables Extraction (Shirps)
2. (781a) Condoleezza Offers Firearms For Ejecting Evildoers. (Harpo)
3. (765) Cherishing one's "fairweather" friends encourages empathy. (Pimms)

smiley - cheers Icy

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 390



1st Crepuscular Ogres Flogging Fairies Every Evening! - Artisan - 772b

2nd Corset on, fuller figure's extremely elfin - Icy - 764b

3rd Cabinet Office finds fewer expert employees - Vestboy - 766b

smiley - magicsmiley - biggrin
smiley - dog

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 391

aka Bel - A87832164

Before we go on voting : MMF, could you please tell us which of your telegrams you want to choose, cause obviously, you forgot the two telegrams you posted a week ago smiley - biggrin
Please everybody, don't vote before this is cleared. I thank you smiley - cheers

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 392

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - sorry and thank-you, B'Elana. I thought I had played earlier, just couldn't find it.

In deference to fair play please go for Posting 769, and ignore posting 782. smiley - ta

Shall be a little more aware next time...

smiley - cheers


Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 393

aka Bel - A87832164

Back to the voting then smiley - ok


smiley - star Cherishing one's "fairweather" friends encourages empathy - Pimms

smiley - fullmoon Corset on, fuller figure's extremely elfin - Icy North

smiley - mars Come on! Feel fit! Exercise energetically! - Vestboy

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 394


Artisan votes for COFFEE;
smiley - applause 1.Snailrind 777b
smiley - wow 2.MMF 782a
smiley - cool 3. HarponotMarx 781a
smiley - space
smiley - coffee
smiley - cheers

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 395

aka Bel - A87832164

Arty, I'm sorry, but you can't vote for MMF 782, it's been withdrawn.Read postings 391&392 smiley - ok

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 396


Gold: Condoleezza Offers Firearms For Ejecting Evildoers. -- Harpo

Silver: Come on! Free Food Every Evening! -- Harpo

Bronze: Could Our Foreign Friends Employ Emigrées? -- Kew

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 397


Wait! No! Scratch that! I think I missed reading a page of 'em. I'll get back to you....

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 398


Oop's , I never noticed that post,smiley - oksmiley - sorryMMF,765 Pimm's

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 399


Okay. Here we go. IGNORE post 396 (sorry, guys). I've read *all* the entries now:

Gold: Cherishing one's "fairweather" friends encourages empathy -- Pimms.

Silver: Carefully Obfusticating, Fiona Fails Every Exam -- Rosemary.

Bronze: Caffeine opens floodgates for electrifying effervescence -- Pimms.

Telegram Game - Voting space

Post 400

Icy North

Hi Snailrind,

You may find the Telegram Index useful when you come to vote - it lists all the entries for a word on a single page.

Find it at F1813449?thread=451310&skip=0&show=200

smiley - cheers Icy

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