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Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 101


And Strayshift - 'Philip Glass' is class! smiley - magic
And Bribrow - you're a wee mad dote! smiley - laughsmiley - hug

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 102


Wee mad dote? Maybe. Wee sad dote - certainly - because I haven't heard from you for such an age. Know you've been busy but: "Tu m' as manque, tellement" Dunno whether that's good French or not but it expresses how I feel.
smiley - hugBriansmiley - kisssmiley - bubbly

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 103


at it again bri! scribe would be furious she pined for you all day yesterday, even asked me if I had come across you. NOW shall I put her on to this thread Mmm?

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 104


I'm quite safe, GG - she's having tea and cakes in Tetbury this morning with her girl friend.
But thanks for your concern. I know you'd never tell.
smiley - smoochBriansmiley - magic

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 105


oh yeah -wind em up -is my idea of fun!! smiley - winkeye


Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 106


Is more a rubber band than a windy thing... smiley - tongueout

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 107


mind I don't get the girls together and start on you stray!!

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 108


gg Am sure my big lost puppy look would mean you'd at least go a little easy on me *sniff* smiley - winkeye

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 109


oh I just adore big lost puppies!! you are just teasing me. smiley - tickle tummy then?

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 110


Damn, Why is it I can't stop my leg shaking when you do that... smiley - laugh

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 111


Or is it my flea's? smiley - laugh

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 112


no it's the pure pleasure of it all that makes your leg shake. smiley - dog

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 113


Hey some doggie talk goin down bout time..fraid though this pup is gonna have to hit the kennel soon.......But but big hi five paws ta yah gals..fleas louise Serindippidysmiley - dogsmiley - ok

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 114


guess it's bye bye time in aus
sleep tight dog.

smiley - yawn

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 115


yelps in his sleep from the corner, night night, have a good weekend... smiley - dog

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 116


'And they call it puppy love....' awh....smiley - kiss

And Brian - Mise freisin! smiley - winkeye

I'm doing a few wee rounds this afternoon on my fat cushion. Have lovely weekends dear friends! smiley - hug

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 117


Hi Jen,
Remember that little chat about doggies we had and I told you the story about my pal the daft red setter?
Would you believe it - it's the "Editor's Pick" for the week. See how you inspire me, gal?
smiley - okBrismiley - smoochsmiley - magic

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 118


smiley - star Brilliant Brian! smiley - star

Have just paid a visit and left a mark (in next door's garden may I add!).

Ohh... so glad I helped a little! My little dog is happy too! Now ye see that the dog can be the man's/woman's best buddy, eh?

Well down, master!

Jen smiley - wowsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - kiss

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 119


Wag, wag,wag!

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 120


It's a dog's life... Miaaw...smiley - run

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