This is the Message Centre for PenJen

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 81


Make it the pub across the road from my house and you're on!

Rad The Impaler.

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 82


For my 50th birthday, I am storming the other side the pond. I don't care if I have to
well, almost anything
by then I shall be safely wrinkled and bemused as to not be a threat to national insecurity.
smiley - brr

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 83


When's your birthday? We'd make it for then, but hey that's a good ten years away isn't it???? smiley - winkeye

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 84


Maybe we could combine my 21st and the mare's 50th all in one big beano? eh? eh?

smiley - smiley

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 85


TWENTY-FIRST my arse! (Thought you were only 18, Looby).

I'd rather a 'Dandy' though or maybe a little 'Hustler' instead... smiley - whistle

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 86


Ach, one bad meal and I end up on this thread.
Lovely to hear that you're not a couch-potato Jen! Don't look like the back end of a bus this thread ... smiley - cheers Speaking of arse .. where is that smiley picturing a bloke's fat arse smiley - winkeye.

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 87


Hi there Rainman! smiley - winkeye

Follow me now to the party in the park "The Patio"... You'll like it! smiley - cheers

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 88


didn't want you to think I'd not noted your note - sounds like we're all busy so I'm sure we'll bump into each other sooner or later. smiley - winkeye
Mind you, when you've been away and come back to see the same old faces it's nice to know there is at least one constant in your life (even if a few of the vowels have changed)smiley - biggrin
smiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - bubblysmiley - ale

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 89


Wanders lost to the confused couch, puts some Philip Glass on and realises he isn't quiet drunk - thats tonight! smiley - cheerssmiley - laugh

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 90


Looby- I love you (even tho'you did get into the Anfology I didn't)! You're a cynic of the highest calyber and I bet you do look a bit like DD (when she was in her prime).
smiley - hugBrismiley - magicsmiley - bubbly

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 91


That was supposed to follow your oittle exchange with Rad the Impaler, which seems to have disappeared. Im I pisssed or is it you lot?

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 92


That was supposed to follow your little exchange with Rad the Impaler, which seems to have disappeared. Im I pisssed or is it you lot?

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 93


"quiet drunk". We'll see. Pah!
PenJen, I stuck my mind inside the park last night and nearly got hit in the head by some nutter swinging from a chandelier. Well dressed all actually made my screen bounce, and I were on another floor virtually!
Ah yer all beautiful when yer cerebrating.
Ah, celebratin.smiley - magic

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 94


I give up - obviously out of my depth.

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 95


Actually, I lunched on the new Beaujoais down here, so I am a little worse for wear.

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 96


Bri, I got in the way by simaltaneously posting. I were answering Stray I thought, with his milk of magnesia and Phillip Glass and confusion.
I don't think you're out of your depth, I bet you've just stepped in it.smiley - winkeye

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 97


Hello Brian and Lynda la mare.
I think my head has now resumed normal size (if it was ever that!) what a good party eh!
Brian - have you read the thread? Hilarious

loobysmiley - cool

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 98


Hi Looby,
Yes, I agree - that posting to you (Looby) above was in reply to posting 19 - thought I was going doolally for minute there. I think I'm gonna have a little lie down. Enjoy y'selves all
smiley - okBribrow

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 99


Ah must have missed jen in her jammies..smiley - erm

Pin-Jam PenJen

Post 100


Nope. Me still here in PJ's and smirking. Happy Birthday Serin doll!
Me was out painting the town tonight/this morn and now a little delicate shade of white wash.
So, when's the next party, then? smiley - winkeye

Dear Kitty? Any more plans for Brummie???? smiley - biggrinsmiley - bubbly

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